
Friday, June 11, 2010

Chiluba is a weed which is undesirable in any garden – Sata

Chiluba is a weed which is undesirable in any garden – Sata
By George Chellah and Patson Chilemba
Fri 11 June 2010, 08:04 CAT

CHILUBA is a political weed which is undesirable in any political garden, PF leader Michael Sata charged yesterday. And Sata challenged President Rupiah Banda to explain why the President of Chad Idriss Deby sneaked into the country quietly.

Commenting on continued booing of former president Frederick Chiluba by Copperbelt residents, Sata said it was sad that Chiluba had continued to embarrass himself all in the name of impressing President Rupiah Banda.

“Chiluba has asked for the booing. I don’t even know why Chiluba can’t get the message from the people he is visiting everywhere he goes. The MMD has described him as their political consultant. But the reality is Frederick Chiluba is a dented political consultant hence this reaction from people wherever he goes,” Sata said.

“Chiluba went to Kasama and they rejected him. He went to Luapula as a son of the soil and he was rejected as well and now he has been rejected on the Copperbelt, too. But it’s like he can’t see that he is embarrassing himself.

“Anyway, as PF we think Rupiah should continue with Chiluba as a political consultant because wherever he goes Chiluba is making our job very easy as PF. So we need MMD to have a dented political consultant like Chiluba because that will assist us crush them smoothly.”

Sata said contrary to Chiluba’s statement, PF was not worried or concerned about his visits.

“Chiluba is a political weed which is undesirable in any garden. No one looks forward to having political weeds like Chiluba in their fields,” he said.
Sata said there was need for President Banda to advise his friend Chiluba to slow down.

“It’s like Rupiah has allowed Chiluba to provoke the situation wherever he goes. He is inciting people! I said it before that Chiluba has more enemies than friends on the Copperbelt. That’s why I am not surprised with the booing he is receiving. It’s just that he has a short memory and he has forgotten that it’s the same Ndola where a lot of people lost jobs because he closed so many companies,” Sata said.

“People of Ndola cannot be excited with Chiluba because he single-handedly sent a great number of them into destitution. After losing jobs, some people even died from depression and left kids on the streets all because of Chiluba. So who can be happy with a man who inflicted that kind of misery on people and subsequently left innocent souls to suffer for what they didn’t know?

“Chiluba must not impose himself on the people. Chiluba is enjoying his pension whilst thousands of Zambians have not even received a single ngwee. Thousands of people in Ndola where he was never received their benefits after he shut down those companies. They were all condemned to poverty like I have indicated.”

Sata said it was sad that Chiluba even had the courage to mock the people of Ndola after causing so much destruction in their lives.

“Let him not impose himself on people. The people are not children. Chiluba is mocking the people,” he said.

And Sata said the nation was experiencing President Banda’s style of leadership where Presidents of other countries could sneak into the country quietly.

“A President of any nation is not a private person. Even if he goes for a private visit, people must know that he has arrived. People must receive that president. Whether he has come officially or otherwise, but the President has sneaked in quietly. We have to be cautious,” Sata said. “We have to be very cautious. We know where we are coming from but we don’t know where Rupiah Banda and Chiluba are taking us.”

Sata said Zambians deserved to know the reason a foreign President had come into the country unannounced.

“We want Rupiah Banda to explain. We want the foreign affairs minister Kabinga Pande to explain. We want Vice-President George Kunda and information minister Ronnie Shikapwasha to explain. People of Zambia are supposed to know,” Sata said. “A President of a different country is not like Michael Sata sneaking into Malawi or Zimbabwe.”

Sata said he suspected that President Banda was meeting leaders of foreign countries to cut deals and finish off the sale of Zamtel.

“We don’t know whether the Chadian President is one of the investors. We shall hear,” said Sata. “Well if he is Idriss, he is very close to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Probably he has brought some message from Gaddafi.”

And asked to comment on assertions that he instructed the government media not to report on President Deby’s visit into the country, President Banda’s press aide Dickson Jere stated that he never instructed the public media against publishing any story.

“I never stopped any media organisation from covering any story,” Jere said. “President Deby was never in Zambia or Mfuwe and therefore never held any meeting with President Banda here in Zambia. You can verify this fact with the office of President Deby in Chad,” stated Jere.

However, well-placed sources revealed that Jere instructed some state media not to publish President Deby’s presence in the country where he was meeting President Banda who was on a working Holiday in Mfuwe.

“I am sure you have friends within state media organisations. Phone John Phiri to find out if the Times of Zambia did not receive such instructions,” the source said.

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