
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

E/Province civil servants bemoan delays in appointments, promotions

E/Province civil servants bemoan delays in appointments, promotions
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Tue 01 June 2010, 03:40 CAT

PUBLIC Service Commission chairperson Joshua Simuyandi has observed that civil servants in Eastern Province are facing challenges in the delays in appointments and promotions. In an interview, Simuyandi who is leading the commission’s tour of the province said his team would try to work on all the vexing cases.

“The main issues are really those of delays in appointments, delays in promotions, delays in retirements and so on and so forth, but we will get down to understand what the situation is,” Simuyandi said on Thursday.

“There is a bit of a problem with regards to the flow of information from the people themselves that are affected to their supervisors and the supervisors up there.”

He said by going to the districts, the commissioners had appreciated the civil servants’ work environment.

“Some of the civil servants’ concerns are really genuine, some of them are an oversight from some supervisors. But I think the commission, funds permitting should make regular visitations just to ensure that this is happening, but all the same we try to clarify our positions and to encourage the workers themselves, the civil servants, their supervisors and then we will have a general report when we announce the results of the commission’s tour which will now be left with the provincial permanent secretary,” Simuyandi said.

He said the report would highlight the commission’s findings and how such bottlenecks could be resolved.
Simuyandi said Eastern Province had been useful during the commission’s tour.

“We find this tour as an eye-opener. By the time we leave here, most vexing cases and those that are new that we will be able to capture will be very well looked after and we should be leaving a very happy message with our civil servants and create the confidence that they should have in their government,” Simuyandi said.

Simuyandi said the commission had delayed a bit because it was dealing with other cases outside the province.

The Public Service Commission which started its tour of the province on May 17 is expected to windup its business this Thursday.

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