
Friday, June 11, 2010

Govt’s approach to NCZ problems is dangerous, says Hamududu

Govt’s approach to NCZ problems is dangerous, says Hamududu
By Florence Bupe and George Zulu
Fri 11 June 2010, 07:50 CAT

GOVERNMENT has taken a dangerously weak approach to the problems facing Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia (NCZ), Bweengwa member of parliament Highvie Hamududu has observed. In an interview, Hamududu said the government was being unpatriotic in addressing the challenges being faced by the fertiliser-manufacturing plant.

“The problem we have with government is that they don’t seem to appreciate the huge financial investments that went into the establishment of NCZ. The government of that time put in huge investments to set up the plant but those investments are now going to waste because of the way the present government is running its affairs,” he said.

There have been various concerns raised on the continued awarding of contracts for the supply of fertiliser to Omnia and Nyiombo Investments but the two companies have again been contracted to deliver 80 per cent of the total fertiliser requirement for the 2010/ 2011 farming season.

NCZ has been contracted to supply only 20,000 metric tonnes, translating into 20 per cent of the total requirement, despite the manufacturing plant having a capacity to produce 142,000 metric tonnes per annum.

Hamududu, who is also the chairperson of the parliamentary committee on estimates, called for an investigation into government’s interest in Nyiombo and Omnia, arguing that it was unusual for the same companies to keep getting tenders for the supply of fertiliser for eight consecutive years.

He said many jobs and the economy of Kafue district were at stake as a result of government’s approach.

“Omnia and Nyiombo are private entities and they have nothing much to offer the country in terms of development because they just import fertiliser and re-package it. These two companies are basically traders and they don’t offer any sustainable employment like NCZ does,” he said.

And Hamududu has said the government must take responsibility to ensure that farmers are not exploited by briefcase maize traders during this year’s crop marketing exercise.

In an interview in Monze yesterday, Hamududu said there was a government in place which must show concern over the outcry of the people especially small-scale farmers whose livelihood depended on farming.

“...But it is unfortunate that government has failed to protect its citizenry. This is not Sudan or Congo where people do things at their wish, this is Zambia and there is order and a government in this country. So government must redeem itself and come to the aid of farmers by stopping the exploitation in maize buying. Government must stop these exploitative maize buyers; let this government deal with them,” Hamududu said.

He said exploitation was a crime against humanity and the government must ensure that people were protected from such vices.

“I want to send a warning to those maize traders, I hope they are not a frontage of millers, they are exploiting poor farmers by buying maize at K25, 000 and K30, 000 per 50 Kg bag. That is total exploitation, those people have no conscious and I want to appeal to their conscious that it is not fair to have such evil profiteering, how can you buy a 50 Kg bag of maize at such low prices when the government price is K65,000?” he asked.

“It is very unfair and they are killing people in rural areas and we are ready to take them on. Very soon, we are going to mobilise people in Monze to deal with anyone buying maize at such low prices, we are going to mobilise our people to chase them from the district and I will be in the forefront of doing that.”

Hamududu said it was unreasonable for people to take advantage of the high moisture content in maize to buy at an exploitative price.

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