Tuesday, June 22, 2010

(HERALD) Breeders must stop misleading Govt

Breeders must stop misleading Govt

EDITOR — I have been rearing day-old chicks for the past two years.

Less than two months ago, Vetco, Farm and City, Crest Breeders and Irvines were in the news agitating that Government must stop imports of chicken products.

Their claim was that there were adequate day-old chicks to meet breeders’ requirements. Some black association leaders, in league with these white-owned conglomerates, joined in.

However, today, all the above-mentioned are either refusing totally to accept what they claimed, or they only supply a fraction of the orders.

The reasons given are flimsy, e.g "During winter, stocks are low. Eggs do not hatch sufficiently to meet market demands."

Why are they not providing factual information to Government instead of misleading it? I urge The Herald to cross check this story in order to help correct the distortions made in print as well as the electronic media by spokespersons of these groups.

As of now, there is absolutely no substance for Government to stop imports as entrepreneurs in the chicken breeding business are being deprived of a source of income. Breeders cannot adequately supply day-old chicks. Full stop.

Interested Party.

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