
Monday, June 07, 2010

(HERALD) UN an appendage of US State Department

UN an appendage of US State Department

EDITOR — The UN Secretary-General Mr Ban Ki-moon is coming through as a tool of the West, especially the United States of America that recently sent him on an errand to Malawi.

It’s no secret that for one to head the world organisation, one has to be anointed by the US, a development that has compromised the UN to the extent that the US can disregard whatever the UN says, a case in point being the illegal invasion of Iraq.

This flagrant violation of international law explains why seasoned leaders like President Mugabe have been calling for the reform of the United Nations.

I don’t think we should call the UN "the world body" because to all intents and purposes it is an appendage of the US State Department since the US even determines who can and cannot be given a visa to attend the UN General Assembly meetings.

Even when our African brothers; Boutrous Boutrous Ghali of Egypt and Kofi Annan of Ghana; got a turn at the helm of the UN, they were still found wanting because of Washington’s stranglehold over the UN.

And when we all thought the ‘‘new moon’’ over the UN headquarters would bring enlightenment, it is proving to be Uncle Sam’s shadow.

For instance, when Malawi locked up a gay couple, the Americans dispatched Ban to Lilongwe to persuade President Bingu wa Mutharika to pardon the deviants. Sadly, President WaMutharika gave in and pardoned the two homos. It will always be a sad day in Africa when we compromise our principles for fear of losing aid.

As Africans, we must remain steadfast on matters of principle even if it means inviting the wrath of the morally degenerate.

The US knows that it is difficult to promote immoral acts like homosexuality in Africa hence their decision to send Ban to preach the truncated gospel of human rights.

African countries should not allow this abhorrent behaviour to stain their morality-driven societies.

Campion wekwaMereki.

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