
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

(HERALD) Zimbabwe safe for all to see

Zimbabwe safe for all to see

EDITOR — Zimbabwe’s hosting of world number one soccer team Brazil in an historic encounter is more than a sweet coup as Zimbabwe becomes only the fifth African country to engage the mighty Samba Boys.

Coupled with the ongoing Micromax Triangular Cricket Series in which we are playing India and Sri Lanka — all global powerhouses — Zimbabwe has shown that it is a safe and peaceful destination.

This contrasts sharply with the hysterical "safety" concerns peddled by the likes of England, Australia and little New Zealand who have used this dishonest and clearly puerile ground for not wanting to involve Zimbabwe.

What we are seeing in Zimbabwe is the conquest of the spirit of sportsmanship not poisoned by politics.

In fact, it is a celebration of the commonality of non-Western countries, which in earnest represents the progressive future of the world.

The involvement of Brazil, India and Sri Lanka with Zimbabwe is commendable and should definitely teach the West a strong lesson.

No matter how much England, Australia, New Zealand, and other forces of evil try to black Zimbabwe out, the situation on the ground speaks volumes for itself.

Zimbabwe remains safe, sound, peaceful, tranquil and progressive.

It remains one of the world’s prime destinations, which status the West has tried all the tricks in the book to erase.

Mercy Matapatira.

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