
Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Kabonde orders search of journalists’ phone numbers at Zain

Kabonde orders search of journalists’ phone numbers at Zain
By Chibaula Silwamba
Wed 09 June 2010, 08:10 CAT

SOURCES yesterday revealed that police officers under the instructions of Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde went to Zain and searched phone numbers of some journalists in the private media to check for their sources of information about power struggles in the police.

And sources said police deputy commissioner Dr Martin Malama is a wrong person to defend the deliberations of the meeting Kabonde had with senior police officers because he did not attend.

The sources said Kabonde had instructed some junior officers to search for contacts of journalists in the private media last week.

“The police officers did the search at Zain. Since they couldn’t find the numbers of the sources of information, the IG proceeded to prepare that list of suspects whom he intends to have retired. You can even ask Zain. If management is honest and has integrity, it will not dispute this information. The search was conducted last week but it was fruitless,” the source said.

“It’s strange that the internal wrangles in the police command could lead to this kind of behaviour of searching journalists’ phone numbers; it’s strange that Zain could allow such things. I think it’s important that you as the media protest to Zain over its conduct.”

When contacted last week when The Post first learnt of the intended search, police spokesperson Bonnie Kapeso had said Kabonde told him that there was nothing like that going on.

“The IG has assured me that he has not instructed anybody to search phone numbers at Zain,” said Kapeso.

But sources at Zain confirmed a search was conducted.

“The officers got a list of numbers,” the source said.

Meanwhile, other sources said Dr Malama did not attend the meeting Kabonde had with provincial commanding officers, some deputy commissioners and senior assistant commissioners on Thursday May 27, 2010.

“We are surprised that he is the one answering when in fact he was not in that meeting at Force Headquarters. I hope this confirms to you the friction in the police high command,” said the source.

“Why didn’t commissioner of police Mr Graphael Musamba hold a joint briefing with the IG? Instead, the IG used Dr Malama to propagate his lies. These are problems you have in security wings when you have a President who is aloof; he is ever travelling.”

Recently, sources told The Post that Kabonde was grilled by provincial commanding officers, some deputy commissioners and senior assistant commissioners over the violence that rocked Mufumbwe prior to and during the by-election. The sources also said Kabonde planned to recommend Musamba, Kapeso and some other senior officers for retirement on suspicion of working against his leadership. But Malama dismissed the reports, saying there were no divisions in the police command.

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