
Friday, June 25, 2010

(LUSAKATIMES) Masaiti wants Patrick Mwanawasa for MP

Zambia: Masaiti wants Patrick Mwanawasa for MP
Friday, June 25, 2010, 9:21

THE MMD in Masaiti District has resolved to float late president Levy Mwanawasa’s son Patrick as parliamentary candidate for Kafulufuta constituency in the 2011 general elections.

Area MMD chairperson Michael Katambo said since current MP George Mpombo had lost popularity, the party decided to float Patrick as parliamentary candidate for the 2011 elections.

He said in an interview yesterday that the decision was arrived at after several meetings at grass root level where the proposal to float Patrick was supported by the majority.

“We want to uphold the legacy of late president Mwanawasa by floating his son as Kafulafuta MP and because he is a committed member of the party,” Mr Katambo said.

When contacted Mr Mpombo said he did not care, as it was too early for the party to endorse anyone for next year’s elections.

And Patrick said he was interested in Kafulafuta constituency but would only comment if the MMD national executive committee (NEC) or ordinary residents of the area raised the matter.

“I won’t say much until higher authorities say so. I hold the people of Kafulafuta closely and dearly to my heart,” he said.

Mr Katambo said Mr Mpombo had lost favour in the constituency hence the need to replace him with somebody people would accept.

He urged Mr Mpombo to stop telling the people that he single handedly influenced the construction of schools and health institution in the area because the projects were part of government’s nation wide plans to deliver services to the people.

Mr Mpombo held a meeting in Kafulafuta constituency last weekend where he alleged that he had single handedly initiated the development in the area.
And Patrick said he was interested in Kafulafuta constituency but would only comment if the MMD national executive committee (NEC) or ordinary residents of the area raised the matter.

“How can he claim to have single handedly influenced the development, it is not true, those are part of government projects being taken countrywide,” Mr Katambo said.

The Government was constructing a high school at Masangano area and upgrading Sankute clinic into a district hospital.

Mr Katambo said the district had also resolved not to vote for Mr Mpombo for any position at the next convention.

But Mr Mpombo said he was the one who initiated the projects by lobbying the Government.

He said he had a meeting in the constituency to explain to the electorate the reason why he resigned as Defence minister and that he was still MMD.

“I had a meeting to explain certain things to the electorate, I told them that l am still MMD and nobody is going to push me. And believe me I did not speak anything ill against president Banda during the meeting,” Mr Mpombo said.

He said he was still popular in the area and he was sure of retaining the seat if he contested.

And the MMD has started holding elections at various party structures as a build up to the national convention that takes place soon after the provincial executive committees.

MMD chairperson for elections Mike Mulongoti said he had directed that all elections for executive committees should take place by 15 July 2010 in all the constituencies that have not held them.

These would be followed by district after which provincial elections that would be addressed by President Rupiah Banda would be held.

He said in a media release in Lusaka yesterday that the elections must be held by next month in a memorandum addressed to all provincial and district chairpersons.

“This serves to inform you that party elections for all the executive committees should be held by 15 July 2010 in all the constituencies that have not held them to date,” Mr Mulongoti said.

The provincial executives have already declared President Banda the sole presidential candidate while other interested members are still allowed to contest the position.

[Times of Zambia]

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