Tuesday, June 22, 2010

(LUSAKATIMES) NCC launches Draft Constitution

NCC launches Draft Constitution
Tuesday, June 22, 2010, 16:19

The National Constitutional Conference, NCC, has today launched the long awaited Draft Constitution.

Speaking during the launch at Mulungushi International Conference Centre this morning, NCC Chairperson, Chifumu Banda, said the launch has been done in accordance with Section 23 of the National Constitutional Conference Act, No. 19 of 2007, which states that the National Constitutional Conference should publish the Initial Report and the Draft Constitution adopted by the Conference and facilitate public debate and comments.

Mr. Banda said the governance of the country will not improve by how much citizens quarrel among themselves.He says the public should spend much of their time to study the document instead of issuing unworthy criticisms of the NCC.

Mr. Banda launched the three documents which the NCC produced which include the Initial Report of the Conference, the Draft Constitution, and the Summary of the Resolutions of the Conference.

Mr. Banda has since appealed to the general public to take time to study the documents during the 40 days period starting today for the public to make their contributions, observations and other responses to the draft constitution.

He says the documents will be made available to the general public through the office of the District Commissioner in all the districts across the country, through the NCC Secretariat at Mulungushi International Conference Centre, as well as through the three websites which have been provided.

He named the Websites as the governance Secretariat under the Ministry of Justice on www.governance.gov.zm; the National Assembly website on www.parliament.gov.zm; and the National Constitution Conference website on www.ncczambia.org.

Meanwhile, Mr. Banda said the governance of the country will not improve by how much citizens quarrel among themselves.

He says the public should spend much of their time to study the document instead of issuing unworthy criticisms of the NCC.

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