
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Magande denies ever owing a Tanzanian businessman K200m

Magande denies ever owing a Tanzanian businessman K200m
By Agness Changala
Thu 10 June 2010, 04:01 CAT

NG’ANDU Magande yesterday denied ever owing a named Tanzanian businessman K200 million as recently reported in the state-owned Times of Zambia. According to the story published on June 4, 2010, Magande is alleged to have failed to pay Soud Hilal Rashid of Sumbuwanga, Tanzania for the rice he supplied to him.

Rashid is said to have supplied 400 bags of rice each weighing 100 kilogrammes on April 1 this year but that Magande did not pay, leaving the supplier stranded for over two months.

But in an interview after the police questioned him for over three hours at Force Headquarters, Magande explained that he knew Rashid through Dickson Silondwa, a businessman of Lusaka’s Matero compound.

He said Rashid had rice for sale and planned to procure sugar from Zambia after selling the rice.

Magande said the rice was supplied to Chris Gona and Silondwa’s company.
He said he then offered to assist Rashid through Silondwa to source sugar as a leader and professional in his area of competence.

However, Magande said the sugar had not yet been bought because Rashid had not yet been paid by the people he supplied rice to.
He also said Rashid’s lawyers on Tuesday sent him a letter, giving him an ultimatum of 48 hours in which to pay back the money failure to which they would take legal action.

However, Magande said he was ready to meet them in court.

Magande’s lawyer George Chisanga confirmed that Rashid’s lawyers had sent the letter asking the Chilanga MMD parliamentarian to pay the said amount.
Magande said the police recorded a statement from him to assist with investigations.

“They have not recorded any warn and caution statement,” he said.

Magande said the police would study the statement and get back to him.
He said he could not owe Rashid that kind of money because he was scared of debts and unclear agreements.

Magande charged that the issue was politically motivated.

“They have realised that they have gone through all files but they can’t find anything against me,” he said. “My records are clean.”

Magande said it was wrong to persecute him for having assisted a local businessman.

Magande said he was a free person and was willing to help people in his area of competence.

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