
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Masebo appeals to Lusaka International Airport land squatters to relocate

Masebo appeals to Lusaka International Airport land squatters to relocate
By Moses Kuwema
Wed 02 June 2010, 04:01 CAT

CHONGWE MMD member of parliament Silvia Masebo has appealed to squatters occupying the Lusaka International Airport land to cooperate with government by relocating to the new Mwanawasa resettlement scheme.

Speaking when she handed over letters of offer to the 292 families at the airport on Friday, Masebo said there was no need of politicising the movement because if the squatters did not abide, they would end up losing out.

“At least we have three months of movement, what I have negotiated with management at the airport corporation is that you have to start moving slowly between June 1 and August 31. Management at the airport will assist with the provision of transport to the new area,” she said.

Masebo said August was a good month for the families to relocate because they could start cultivating at their new settlement area. She said the ministry of community development had promised to assist the families with farming inputs.

“As for school going children, we shall have to see how we are going to deal with that with the government. As for now what I can advise is that you need to go on the site and see the situation for yourselves,” she explained.

Masebo said the area they were currently occupying was not a gazetted place and there was therefore need for them to move to an area which had been gazetted.

“This place has not been gazetted as a settlement area while the other land at the Mwanawasa resettlement scheme has been gazetted and once you move there, you will have all the necessary facilities,” she said.

Masebo said the Chongwe district council had already tendered for four more boreholes to be drilled on site.

“Even National Airports Corporation is prepared to help further with the drilling of more boreholes,” said Masebo.

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