
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

MMD, PF members jostle for Chifubu seat

MMD, PF members jostle for Chifubu seat
By Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Tue 29 June 2010, 04:50 CAT

FIVE MMD members have applied to be considered for the Chifubu parliamentary seat.
The five are former Ndola district commissioner Victor Koni, Chifubu resident Benson Tembo, proprietor of Fatmols guesthouse Frank Ngambi, Henry Mwelwa and Itawa resident Lisa Nkowani. In an interview yesterday, Tembo said that nothing would stand in his way to get the seat.

“People have been saying that I have backed out of the race. I am still in and I have filed in my application. I will hold on until the last minute, if I am not picked I will support the person who will be picked,” he said.

And Ngambi said he decided to apply to stand on the MMD ticket because MMD was a winning party and there could not be any other party that could rule Zambia other than MMD.

“MMD is the only party that can win and I will work with this party through and through. And I want to reassure everyone that if I am not picked, I will make sure that I continue working with MMD. I demonstrated that when I was not picked for Ndola Central in 2008,” he said.

The applicants would be interviewed by the constituency committee on July 1, 2010.
And PF Ndola district chairperson Rebby Chanda said that five candidates had applied to be adopted on the party’s ticket.

“We received (applications) from former Chifubu constituency member of parliament Chibwe Mulenga, Stanslous Kazembe, Susan Kawandami, former FAZ (Football Association of Zambia) president Michael Chiti and Brian Kakulanda,” he said.

Meanwhile Charles Milupi said his party, the Alliance for Democracy and Development, would also participate in the by-election.

“Yes, I am going to field a candidate, but first a person has to be found and this has to be done by the ward, branch and constituency,” he said.

The Chifubu seat fell vacant following the death of Patriotic Front member of parliament Benson Bwalya.

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