
Monday, June 28, 2010

Mulongoti’s admission has exposed Rupiah – Syakalima

Mulongoti’s admission has exposed Rupiah – Syakalima
By Patson Chilemba and Ernest Chanda
Mon 28 June 2010, 08:40 CAT

SIAVONGA UPND member of parliament Douglas Syakalima has advised President Rupiah Banda to realise that Zambia is a country with serious problems, which require serious minds.

And Syakalima has charged that President Banda’s lies have backfired in his face following Mike Mulogoti’s admission that the President’s pronouncements on roads are a marketing strategy. Commenting on President Banda’s recent trip to Namibia, Syakalima said President Banda was a very funny man.

He said people should know where President Banda was and what he was doing before he proceeded to Namibia.

“I think he President Banda thinks Zambia is a kantemba where they make bangles but he must realise that this is a very serious country, with serious problems which require serious minds,” Syakalima said.

“He must realise that he is state property, so Zambians have to know where he is. We know that he doesn’t work, he likes moving up and down but there is no way he can blind us where he is. Zambians must know where he is and what he is doing.”

He said Zambians were now aware that President Banda had no time to attend to national issues.

“As if that was not bad enough now he is even hiding where he is. He is using taxpayers’ money and the Zambians are supposed to know where he is. Even just sneaking away is not too well. So as we have always stated ‘when curtains have fallen, you get off the stage’,” Syakalima said.

“If we were in a normal society, Banda and his administration would have resigned two years ago. I think we crash-landed even before we took off when Rupiah Banda became President. First of all, he knows he is doing nothing, he can retire in national interest.”

Syakalima said President Banda had now become kamwendo munjila.

“It’s like he is just playing around. You have an international destination to Namibia then you go and want to feed your eyes on football, then in-between, you are not known where you are,” Syakalima said. “He is taking Zambians for a ride. He thinks the Zambians don’t think, but he will have a rude shock in 2011 if he does not resign in national interest.”

Syakalima said President Banda was clueless about governing the country because he had no plans whatsoever on how to lead people.

“In the first place, he was just sangwapo… and then from there, he is stuck. So the best he can do now is just to fly around. He is so clueless and if Zambians don’t realise this, then we will have a rude shock of our lives,” he said.

Syakalima said an audit on President Banda’s travels would come but Zambians were already auditing him.

He insisted that Zambians demand an explanation as to why President Banda arrived in Namibia on Wednesday when he was being expected there on Monday.

And on works and supply minister Mulongoti’s admission that President Banda’s comments on roads are a marketing strategy, Syakalima urged Zambians not to trust the MMD government on anything.

“We are grateful to Mulongoti for that revelation. What he is saying is that all the promises the President makes and indeed the MMD government are total lies. In fact, Mr Rupiah Banda’s lies have backfired right in his face and in the face of Mulongoti. His so-called marketing strategy has also backfired in his face,” Syakalima said.

“He has made it known that, that is how they have lived as MMD. Whatever they have promised are total lies, which no Zambian should take seriously. These characters have always cheated Zambians and now their own man Mulongoti has just admitted. This means that Zambians must now know what to do when these same characters start promising them other things especially that we are going into a general election. Once again I thank Mulongoti for disclosing the truth about this government.”

Appearing before PAC on Wednesday to respond to queries on the Auditor General's report on the Road Development Agency (RDA), Mulongoti said President Banda’s political pronouncements on roads were a marketing strategy.

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