
Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Ndola residents boo, call Chiluba a thief

Ndola residents boo, call Chiluba a thief
By Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Wed 09 June 2010, 15:10 CAT

Wusakile residents raising PF-UPND symbols on Chiluba's vehicle when he visited their them on Saturday.Residents were shouting Twakana,Twakana nimwe mwashitishe amayanda (We don't want you, you are the one who sold the houses).

NDOLA’s Chifubu residents on Tuesday afternoon booed former President Frederick Chiluba and calling him a thief when he visited Chifubu market.

And sources close to Chiluba have revealed that Chiluba is President Rupiah Banda’s personal ambassador.

Many people did not know that Chiluba was in Chifubu market because his visit was not announced and people only came to know of his visit when he had finished talking to an old lady who was later identified as Lise Bwalya.

When a few people saw him (Chiluba) they shouted “the hour, tupeniko impiya (the hour, give us money),” but he did not respond but he instead proceeded to Bwalya’s house at house number 38 CHD 787 near Chifubu market.

Bwalya showed Chiluba her house but reporters and residents did not know why Bwalya was showing Chiluba her house.

Both Chiluba and Bwalya were whispering to each other and no one heard what they were talking about.

After inspecting the house, Chiluba then headed towards his GRZ vehicle where he was met by many people who had mixed feeling over his visit.

Some people shouted “the hour” and others raised the PF symbol of a clenched fist while shouting “Pamaka!”

News about Chiluba’s presence quickly filtered through the market and PF members mobbed him and called him a thief.

“Lazo! Lazo! Lazo! Kabolala! Kabolola! Kabiye! Lazo! Chikabolala (thief, go! We don’t want you, go!)” shouted the mob.

The angry mob nearly touched Chiluba but his bodyguards quickly surrounded him.

As Chiluba got into his car, one PF cadre led the others in chanting; “we want change, we want change, we want change” while thumping on Chiluba’s vehicle.

Chiluba drove off without saying anything.

As Chiluba’s vehicle drove off, the people started singing “Sata ngatalipo, bonse aba nibangwele! (If Sata is not there, all these don’t count”.

And the cadres threatened to burn a Zambia Daily Mail vehicle saying the institution was always on Chiluba’s side.

Some of the concerned people asked Zambia Daily Mail reporters to leave because some people were mobilizing to burn their vehicle.

Meanwhile, on Friday Chiluba visited ZAFICO residents and promised them that he would ensure President Rupiah Banda sold them the houses.

Sources said that Chiluba told the residents that he (Chiluba) was President’s ambassador and he was assigned to go round the country to identify problems and people’s needs for the government to act on them.

Kitwe residents last Saturday gave Chiluba a rough reception while others insulted him when he toured Wusakile toilets and other areas.

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