
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

(NEWZIMBABWE) Tsvangirai to fire incompetent ministers

Tsvangirai to fire incompetent ministers
by Staff Reporter
23/06/2010 00:00:00

SPECULATION is rife in Harare that Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai will reshuffle his cabinet team in an exercise aimed at purging several key ministers accused of incompetence.

Tsvangirai is said to be less than pleased with the performance of his team which was given charge of most of the economic and social affairs ministries in the coalition cabinet.

Insiders say the MDC-T leader is concerned that his team has generally failed to deliver on its mandate and have fallen into the trap of enjoying their cabinet perks as well as going on endless foreign trips which come with generous travel allowances.

“Tsvangirai is fed up by ministers who have generally failed to deliver on their promises and will either reshuffle them or fire them completely. They are enjoying the luxuries and forgetting where they came from.

“The Prime Minister wants to make sure that the drastic action he is taking will make the ministers work hard so that they deliver on their promises. He is also not happy that some of his ministers are always globetrotting in search of allowances but he wants to put this to a stop,” an official told RadioVOP.

However, Tsvangirai can only reshuffle ministers from his won MDC-T party, meaning those from Zanu PF and the MDC-M would not be affected by the changes.

Those said to be targeted for the sack include Giles Mutsekwa, the co-Home Affairs Minister, former university lecturers, Eliphas Mukonoweshuro and Heneri Dzinotyiweyi as well as Elias Mudzuri.

Party sources also suggest the prime minister is considering moving Tendai Biti from Finance to the Home Affairs portfolio set to be vacated by Mutsekwa.

Reports claimed Tsvangirai wanted to announce the changes on Monday but was advised by President Robert Mugabe to tarry a while so the legal issues could be addressed.

The reshuffle, should it go ahead, will be the first since the coalition administration took office in February last year.

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