
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

‘Onus is on Zambians to protect nation from selfish interests’

‘Onus is on Zambians to protect nation from selfish interests’
By Mwape Chishimba
Wed 16 June 2010, 04:00 CAT

THE greatest challenge that most Zambians face is the lack of discernment on what genuine leadership is, Young Leaders Alliance (YOLA) secretary general Titus Walamba said yesterday.

In an interview, Walamba said the political arena in the country was pervaded with politicians who were in pursuit of self interests. Walamba said the onus was on every Zambian to protect the country from those with selfish interests.

“Zambia is not a political party neither is it an NGO, Zambia is above such small entities. Zambia is for Zambians, where each citizen has an equal right and access to wealth,” Walamba said.

Walamba further said the country was endowed with abundant natural and human resources although these had failed to translate to sustainable development.

“Not to talk of the immense various mineral resources which only go to fatten foreign accounts and our gluttonous leaders,” Walamba said.

He said Zambians had no one but themselves to blame for the cruelties they had suffered. Walamba further asserted that Zambians in the past made the inexcusable transgression of putting mediocre leadership into power which had contributed to the current socio-economic and political crisis in the country.

“This is no time to engage in worthless politics bordering on trivialities such as tribal orientations, fame or beauty. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy, now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of silence and persecution to the sunlight path of freedom of expression and justice,” he said.

Walamba said the country’s leadership was crippled by intolerance to criticism and divergent views.

“Those who protest against the manner in which our country is governed suffer untold injustices and persecution. Don’t we all have equal rights before the law or are we all at the whims of politicians?” he asked.

Walamba said it was clear that the political arena in the country was not well and urged Zambian citizens to rise up and fight the many injustices suffered.

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