
Friday, June 25, 2010

Rupiah accused of role in disappearance of Namibian freedom fighters in 70s

Rupiah accused of role in disappearance of Namibian freedom fighters in 70s
By Chansa Kabwela
Fri 25 June 2010, 04:02 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has been accused of having played a crucial role in the disappearance of several Namibian freedom fighters between 1976 and 1978 when he served as Zambia’s foreign minister.

According to the statement by Namibia’s National Society for Human Rights (NSHR) executive director Phil ya Nangoloh, President Banda should help the organization to establish the fate or whereabouts of the freedom fighters who disappeared without a trace on Zambian soil.

Nangoloh stated that the Zambian security forces, presumably acting on instructions of then South West Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO) president Sam Nujoma, rounded the freedom fighters after they were accused of being radicals or rebels.

“At the time of their disappearances, President Rupiah Banda was Zambia’s foreign minister and, as such, he played a crucial role in such disappearances as well as in the hostile acts against the PLAN fighters in Zambia,” Nangoloh stated on Tuesday.

“They include the following:

Aikota, Abel (Ondangwa—Oshikoto Region),
Haimbodi, John (Edudja—Ohangwena Region),
Hakaye, Barry (Oniipa—Oshikoto Region),
Halleluja, (Ohangwena Region),
Hamupembe, Jackson (Etomba—Ohangwena Region),
Haupindi Gabriel (Onheleiwa—Ohangwena Region),
Ilya, Leonard Shilongo (Eengolo—Omusati Region),
Ipumbu, Israel Mashuna “Shimbungu” (Ogongo—Omusati Region),
Kadhila, John (Okaku—Oshikoto Region),
Kaukungwa, Tuyeni (Walvis Bay—Erongo Region),
Komeya and Ananias (Omusati egion).”

Others are

Markus, Longinus Omusati region,
Mundjego, Elifas Oshipanda—Oshikoto region,
Mwiiyale Jerry Omusati region,
Nakaambo Gottlieb Onayena—Oshikoto region
Namashana Ontokolo-Oshikulufitu—Omusati region and
Ndinoshiho Jason Omundjalala—Omusati region.

The other freedom fighters are

Nghiyolwa Jonas Okaku-Ongenga—Ohangwena region,
Shafombabi Timo Walvis Bay Ongenga—Ohangwena region,
Shanghala Nestor Ontokolo—Omusati region,
Shikolomwenyo Omakango—Oshikoto region,
Shikudule Andreas Okalongo-Oneheke—Omusati region,
Shimwaafweni Junias Walvis Bay—Erongo region,
Paapopi Valombola Ohamuti—Omusati region and
Toromba Joel Vikurupa Aminius—Omaheke region.

Nangoloh stated that the disappeared persons were part of hundreds of Namibians who fled apartheid South African oppression in Namibia between 1974 and 1975 and joined SWAPO then as a liberation movement based in Zambia.

He stated that they disappeared under mysterious circumstances after they vehemently opposed the Détente Scenario, also known as An Approach to Peaceful Change in Southern Africa among then South African prime minister John Vorster, SWAPO and the Zambian government.

“The détente affair also led to SWAPO’s armed wing, the People’s Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN), being expelled from their bases in south western Zambia,” stated Nangoloh.

The statement was issued ahead of President Banda’s three-day visit to that country.

President Banda is expected to return to Zambia today.

The NSHR is a national private, independent, non-profit making and non-partisan human rights monitoring and advocacy organization. It was founded in 1989 by concerned citizens and it envisages a world free of human rights violations and aims to stop such acts in Namibia and the rest of the world.

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