
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Rupiah finally gives Dr Musonda the boot

Rupiah finally gives Dr Musonda the boot
By George Chellah and Moses Kuwema
Thu 17 June 2010, 14:20 CAT

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has fired health deputy minister Dr Solomon Musonda for allegedly shooting a PF cadre, Jackson Musaka in Chitambo constituency. And home affairs minister Mukondo Lungu has said Dr Musonda’s case has taken long because the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) was out of the country.

According to a statement by State House special assistant for press and public relations Dickson Jere, President Banda has relieved Dr Musonda of his duties as deputy minister of health with immediate effect.

“The President Banda said he has decided to relieve Hon Musonda of his duties after receiving a report indicating that the Director of Public Prosecution has recommended for the prosecution of the deputy minister following a shooting incident in his constituency,” he stated.

“President Banda said he wanted Hon Musonda to concentrate on his case. The President said he also wanted the judicial process to take its course in the matter.”

And Lungu said the case of Dr Musonda has taken long because the Director of Public Prosecution was out of the country the time the shooting incident occurred.

“We always want the law to take its course so there are processes that need to be followed, the DPP Director of Public Prosecution was out of the country a few days after the incident occurred so now that he is around we have to wait for him to advise us on the next course of action,” Lungu said.

On gender and development deputy minister Lucy Changwe’s case where she bounced a cheque amounting to K10 million in a property purchase transaction, Lungu said the law will have to take its course.

“It’s a new thing that has just happened because I have just read about it today yesterday but the law will have to take its course…we always want the law to take its course but in the meantime we have to follow the procedure,” said Lungu.

Meanwhile, President Banda has returned former science and technology minister Gabriel Namulambe as mines deputy minister. President Banda fired Namulambe a few months ago.

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