
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sata urges Zambians to defend their vote in 2011

Sata urges Zambians to defend their vote in 2011
By George Chellah
Tue 29 June 2010, 04:40 CAT

PF leader Michael Sata with vice president Guy Scott (in Orange) and lawyer Edger Lungu addressing a rally at Chawama grounds on Sunday-Picture by Collins Phiri

PF leader Michael Sata has urged Zambians to defend their votes in next year’s elections because the MMD is desperate to retain power.

And Sata said the MMD is drunk with power. Addressing a public rally in Lusaka’s Chawama compound on Sunday, Sata called on Zambians to chase President Rupiah Banda and the MMD out of power the same way they did with the colonialists.

“You chased Sir Roy Welensky despite him having guns and a police force that was more brutal than Francis Kabonde’s. Kuya bebele! If you are serious you will remove the MMD. On voting day, wake up early and sleep at the polling stations so that when they are opening you are already there,” Sata said.

“And after voting guard your votes. You should protect the votes the same way we did in Kasama. They MMD are so scared such that whenever they wake up they think 2011 is tomorrow. That’s why they are asking you to pay to get your voters cards. They are afraid that we shall defeat them the same way we did in Kasama.”

He asked people to understand MMD Lusaka Province chairman William Banda’s behaviour.

“Forgive my young man William Banda, its hunger. What he does whenever he is hungry is that he goes to State House that ‘Give me money so that I can go and beat Sata.’ Here I am, come!” he said.
Sata said President Banda has failed to utilize his God given talent.

“The almighty God blessed all of us with talents but Rupiah has failed to utilize his talent so get if from him. Vice-President George Kunda’s lips are red because he can’t utilize his talent too,” Sata said.

“The MMD is drunk with power. Chimo nakoswe nga kokolasana mung’anda alabelesha abalimung’anda nakasuba alenda. Ba MMD naba kokola Its just like a rat when it over stays in the house it gets so used that it even moves during the day.”

He said donors were upset that President Banda is not using their funds to work on hospitals.

“Don’t take your knee to Cape Town, upgrade UTH so that you can take your knee to UTH,” he said.

He urged people to get the loans the MMD is offering.

“They are coming to you saying that we are giving you loans. But you don’t follow people saying that ‘we have come to give you loans.’ When they come to you get the money,” he said.

He said President Banda is constantly on the move despite the numerous problems facing the country.

“Ba Banda baaseya ngenda Rupiah is always on the move like lice. The police have not been paid if Banda and Kabonde don’t get paid what will they eat? MMD cadres are equally hungry because hunger does not choose whether you are MMD or opposition. We are all suffering,” Sata said.

“But Rupiah is busy gallivanting. Rupiah and his wife Thandiwe are going to Namibia just to go and watch salt when there are problems in the country. The people that are selling you are your own. Have you seen that they are even carrying Vernon Mwaanga along even if he is now looking like a skeleton?”

And Sata claimed at the rally that the government wants to increase the electricity tariffs so that they could finance President Banda’s endless travels. Sata said his preoccupation was not to get to State House.

“I am not worried because of State House. I am worried about people’s poverty,” he said.

He said Zambians do not want investors who would come and start cooking nshima in markets with locals. Sata apologized for not adopting Lusaka lawyer Edgar Lungu as the PF candidate for Chawama in the 2006 elections.

“God knew that we were wrong that’s why that woman Reverend Sampa-Bredt ran away,” he said.

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