
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Suspension of aid to MoH awakening call – NGOCC

Suspension of aid to MoH awakening call – NGOCC
By Bivan Saluseki
Thu 17 June 2010, 08:40 CAT

THE NGOCC yesterday said the suspension of grants to the Ministry of Health by the Global Fund is an awakening call for the government to take accountability and transparency matters seriously.

NGOCC executive director Engwase Mwale said from Kaoma that it was worrying that apart from a few officials from the Ministry of Health appearing in court, Zambians were yet to see serious mitigating measures put in place and most importantly, overhauling the whole ministry.

She said such measures applied to all other government ministries in the way funds were accounted for. Mwale said the NGOCC had in the past been calling on the Ministry of Health to engage citizens on issues of fraud and especially on what measures needed to be put in place.

She said the Auditor General had highlighted several cases of abuse of public funds in her report but the government was yet to give it serious attention.

Mwale said NGOCC had expected the government to seriously pursue those found wanting. She said it was, however, gratifying that the Global Fund had resolved to continue with life-saving drugs. Mwale said such a decision would go a long way in addressing the plight of women in form of life care.

The Global Fund suspended disbursements to Zambia’s Ministry of Health because of strong evidence of continued fraudulent activities. The decision was made at its 21st board meeting in Geneva held between April 28 and 30, 2010.

The Global Fund stated that it would not proceed with signing any new grants with the Ministry of Health until it was satisfied that the situation was under control and adequate measures were in place to allow for a return to normal arrangements.

Furthermore, any activity and spending linked to the grants under the management of the Ministry of Health – such as funds for the continuation of treatment – have to be verified and recommended by the local fund agent (LFA) and approved by the Global Fund secretariat.

The Fund stated that arrangements were being made to transfer management of the grants to the United Nation Development Programme (UNDP).

The Global Fund's Office of the Inspector General (OIG) has concluded that there was fraud in connection with one or more of the grants.

However, disbursements are being allowed for life-saving interventions drugs and other directly related costs, but they are being made directly to procurement agents or suppliers, and not to the Ministry of Health.

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