
Sunday, June 06, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) US deliberately scuttling Zim diamond sales: govt

COMMENT - Gee, could that 'state department official' be Hillary Clinton - who of course co-sponsored ZDERA and has close ties with Maurice Tempelsman? There is a very interesting 1994 documentary on the business model (monopoly) applied by the Oppenheimer family, called The Diamond Empire.

US deliberately scuttling Zim diamond sales: govt
Posted: Friday, June 4, 2010 9:49 am

THE United States administration of President Barack Obama is deliberately trying to stop international sales of Zimbabwean diamonds, according to reports from the Zimbabwean government. A U.S. State Department official is said to be urging the international diamond control body, the Kimberley Process, to ban Zimbabwean diamonds.

This "well-orchestrated Western-led campaign" is part of a larger plot to unseat President Robert Mugabe which has been going on for over a decade. The government calls it a "regime change" strategy of the U.S.

An official from the international diamond control body, Abbey Chikane, was carrying printed copies of emails from the U.S. government urging him to "stop" Zimbabwe's certification.

Chikane alleges that the documents were stolen from his luggage by Zimbabwean security agents earlier this week.

Kimberley Process investigators have previously recommended Zimbabwe's suspension over their allegations of illicit trading and human rights abuses, which have never been proved.

While the U.S. and other Western countries are urging a ban on the Chiadzwa diamond mining, they are quiet on Rio Tinto's diamond mining operations in Murowa, located near Zvishavane in South Central Zimbabwe. Rio Tinto has, in fact, announced a US$300 million investment boost at Murowa.

The government of Zimbabwe recently banned all diamond exports saying that ban will only be lifted after the Kimberley Process has given the greenlight.

Western companies are benefiting from diamond sales in the country as they are not monitored by the KP process. A consortium run by the government of Zimbabwe and two other non-Western companies has attracted criticism for mining diamonds in the country.

Government says the West is also trying to control operations at Chiadzwa, like they do in other diamond mining areas in the country.

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