
Friday, June 18, 2010

TAZARA plans to improve performance

TAZARA plans to improve performance
By Isaac Zulu in Kapiri Mposhi
Fri 18 June 2010, 04:00 CAT

TAZARA managing director Akashambatwa Mbikusita-Lewanika has said the railway company has a challenge of finding non-traditional solutions to overcome the usual constraint of lack of funds. And Mbikusita-Lewanika has said TAZARA plans to surpass the performances of all the past years starting from 2004.

During the commissioning of the initial 28 TAZARA rehabilitated wagons in Kapiri Mposhi on Tuesday, Mbikusita-Lewanika observed that increasing wagon capacity cannot be undertaken from normal revenue earnings.

“We are mindful that even this endeavour to increase wagon capacity, which is not only a challenging area, cannot be accomplished from normal revenue earnings. It cannot be undertaken from normal payments for cargo or passenger service. It cannot be financed from traditional banking facilities or traditional terms and conditions. In fact, we are faced with a proverbial chicken and egg dilemma,” Mbikusita-Lewanika explained. “What comes first - a bank loan or an increase in revenues? What comes first - increased revenue or increased capacity? What comes first - high performance to earn more money or high personnel motivation? Thus, TAZARA management is challenged to find non-traditional solutions to overcome the usual constraint of lack of funds for example, seeking to increase capacity by rehabilitating wagons to better serve customers.”

Mbikusita-Lewanika said the follow up challenge was to determine what partnership activities could be undertaken with stakeholders in order to enable TAZARA break through the barrier of limited liquidity and deteriorating operational equipments and facilities.

“TAZARA management is challenged to recognise and take account of the fact that to cut through this vicious circle calls for strategic partnerships with other stakeholders of TAZARA. Some of you may have a problem identifying strategic partners and stakeholders of TAZARA. For some of you, the answer can be found if you look into a mirror. TAZARA management believes that customers are its logical and most likely strategic partners and most direct stakeholders,” he said.

“…To this end, TAZARA is proposing smart capacity building partnership with customers. What is being proposed, and what is already in practice, as illustrated by the wagons we are launching today, is unorthodox, and, certainly outside the traditional boxes of operational tools. But, it is practical in straightforward and self-evident way. What is being proposed is also directly beneficial to you as customers as well as to TAZARA your service operator…”

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