
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chona cites the pitfalls of exploitation, corruption

Chona cites the pitfalls of exploitation, corruption
By George Zulu in Mazabuka
Tue 13 July 2010, 14:30 CAT

EXPLOITATION and corruption will not help resolve high levels of poverty the country is experiencing, Matantala Rural Integrated Development Enterprise (M-RIDE) board chairman Mark Chona has observed.

Addressing traditional leaders and other stakeholders in chief Hanjalika’s chiefdom, Chona said he was saddened by the high levels of exploitation and corruption in the country especially during the purchase of maize from small scale farmers in rural areas.

“It is sad that people have surrendered their rights for few pieces of silver. The exploitation and corruption in this country will not help resolve high levels of poverty, hence the need to invest in education and infrastructure development and skills empowerment for many Zambians to benefit,” Chona said.

“I think there are so many things that need to be done to address problems faced by our people in rural areas. We need serious investment in education in rural areas, we need serious investment in roads and marketing of farm produce in rural areas in order to address high levels of poverty which are very undesirable.”

Chona challenged headmen and other stakeholders to look after the resources, which M-RIDE through the Norwegian government gives out.

“Zambians are drivers for change and the development that you seek every day can only become a reality if you accept change and that change lies in you. Development is not taken but done by you, so you must not be cheated by people who come and preach development because the power of change lies bare in your hands and you have the power to drive change,” said Chona.

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