
Friday, July 02, 2010

Dr Musonda committed to High Court for shooting PF cadre

Dr Musonda committed to High Court for shooting PF cadre
By Mwala Kalaluka in Serenje
Fri 02 July 2010, 17:20 CAT

FIRED health deputy minister Dr Solomon Musonda had a tough time detaching himself from a group of red-card flashing and chanting PF cadres that besieged him immediately after the case in which he is charged for shooting a PF cadre was committed to the Kabwe High Court today.

Kabwe principal resident magistrate Joshua Banda sitting as a magistrate in Serenje this morning committed Dr Musonda’s shooting case to the High Court based on the strength of a certificate of commitment from the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Chalwe Mchenga.

Dr Musonda, a 34-year-old medical doctor and politician, and a resident of Nsumbu road in Lusaka’s Woodlands area stands charged with one count of causing grievous harm with intent to maim, disfigure or disable contrary to section 244 (a) of the Penal Code.

Particulars of the offence are that Dr Musonda on June 1, 2010 with intent to maim, disfigure or disable caused grievous harm to Jackson Musaka.

When the matter came up in the Serenje Magistrates’ Court this morning, Central Province Division Prosecution Officer (DPO) Hilda Banda said it was coming for the explanation of the charge.

She said the state was ready with the instructions so that the case was committed to the High Court.

Before that magistrate Banda had explained the charge to Dr Musonda although Lusaka chief resident magistrate Charles Kafunda had explained the same to him when he appeared before him.

Magistrate Banda said DPP in his own discretion thought that Dr Musonda’s case was a proper case for the High Court.

“I hereby commit you accused to the Kabwe High Court,” magistrate Banda said.

Magistrate Banda said High Court judge Timothy Katanekwa would hear Dr Musonda’s case at the next criminal session in Kabwe.

A good number of PF-UPND pact cadres had attended the court hearing and they listened attentively as proceedings went on inside the small courtroom.

However, as soon as the matter was adjourned and Dr Musonda and his lawyer Sunday Nkonde were about to emerge from the courtroom, the PF cadres started flashing red cards whilst shouting, “Musonda out, Musonda out” and “Musonda criminal”.

As Dr Musonda and a paltry size of MMD cadres came out of the courtroom, the flashing of red cards intensified and the PF cadres surged towards the court’s steep veranda stepping up their chanting and flashing red cards in Dr Musonda’s direction.

Dr Musonda greeted one of his sympathizers as the PF cadres led by some women advanced in his direction whilst another blew a red whistle in his face.

A sizeable number of police officers were by now standing at a safe distance monitoring the situation as Dr Musonda with difficulty went towards his Nissan Hard body vehicle, which was parked in the vicinity.

Some of the outnumbered MMD cadres started raising their party symbol in solidarity with Dr Musonda but the PF cadres started banging on Dr Musonda’s vehicle immediately after he had entered it with his lawyer.

Dr Musonda, who was driving himself, had problems getting away from the confusion and it only took police intervention before he could hastily drive away from the scene that had attracted some attention from passersby.

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