
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Economic growth must have impact on poor - Fr Lesa

Economic growth must have impact on poor - Fr Lesa
By Darious Kapembwa in Kitwe
Tue 13 July 2010, 03:00 CAT

KITWE’s Sacred Heart parish priest John Lesa has charged that the much talked about economic growth should not just be statistics on paper.

Speaking on Sunday during a homily about the Good Samaritan as told in the Bible, Fr Lesa told congregants that economic growth should have a positive bearing on the lives of poor people.

“Economy is not just about statistics, people must benefit from the growth especially the poor and the down-trodden in society,” Fr Lesa said.

He advised the congregation not to fight among themselves despite their political beliefs and affiliation.

“Do not fight amongst yourselves because you are MMD or PF but help everyone who needs your help like Christ has told us in His teachings, but you have an obligation to criticise wrong policies,” he said.

Fr Lesa said it was surprising that even people calling themselves clergymen or deacons neglect the needy.

Fr Lesa called on those holding power to do right things at the right time rather than waiting for the worst before taking remedial measures.

“Do not buy a mandamanda when people need an ambulance, buy an ambulance first before somebody dies. Why should you buy expensive mandamandas whose spare parts cannot even be found?” Fr Lesa asked.

He said people living with disabilities must be taken care of just in the same way the able-bodied persons were treated.

Fr Lesa reminded the leadership in the congregation to always remember what Jesus did to the disabled, the poor and the down trodden in society adding that true love did not choose which neighbour to love the most.
Fr Lesa said love should be all-encompassing.

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