
Monday, July 26, 2010

Govt is misunderstanding Catholic Bishops – Fr Msipu

Govt is misunderstanding Catholic Bishops – Fr Msipu
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Mon 26 July 2010, 14:00 CAT

The Bishops always want to advise the government in good faith but they are being misunderstood, Chipata Diocese Vicar General Father Gabriel Msipu has said. And Science and Technology deputy minister Lameck Mangani said the government would continue working with the church in order to promote the common good.

During celebrations to mark Archbishop Merdado Joseph Mazombwe’s 50 years of priesthood and Bishop George Lungu’s 25 years in priesthood at St Anne’s Cathedral last Sunday, Fr Msipu said the Bishops were the public’s spokespersons on issues that affect the people in both spiritual and physical life.

“We know that you always want to advise our leaders in good faith but you are being misunderstood, you should not backtrack but you should continue speaking for the people because this is your role and you should be prepared to suffer for your flock that you are leading,” Fr Msipu said.

“We should pray for our leaders so that they rule us with justice, unity and should be ready to serve their people because both the church and the government are serving the same people. Let us engage each other with respect so that people remain one and united.”

He observed that the flock was complaining and crying because of the high poverty levels in the country.

“Help us, together with the government and other people involved in developmental programmes so that poverty can be reduced,” Fr Msipu said.

He said it was difficult for people who were suffering to understand that God was love.

“It’s too difficult for the people who are suffering to believe that God is love and it is also difficult for us to preach the good news to them. Let’s work with government in various developmental programmes like on issues to do with schools, hospitals and many other sectors,” Fr Msipu said.

He urged the government to work with the church in addressing drugs shortages in church run hospitals and other areas.

“The money is not always enough and it becomes difficult for those that are running church hospitals to continue with their work,” Fr Msipu said.

He said the Christians were worried with the current (political) situation which gave doubt as to whether next years elections would be held in a peaceful manner.

“We ask our Bishops to engage those responsible and can help us on this (elections). We must try by all means to have freedom and unity even during and after next year’s elections, we don’t want next year’s elections to be violent. We are not talking of peace because there is no war but we are looking at how things are moving at the moment,” Fr Msipu said.

He said the other area where the Bishops could speak for the people was the area of agriculture where the farmers are not benefiting from their farming activities.

“Farmers are being exploited and they are not benefitting from their farming. Injustices should reduce in our midst and those that can help speak for us are the Bishops. There is need for proper cooperation between the church and the government, sometimes it does auger well to attack and doubt each other like what is happening at the moment,” Fr Msipu said.

He commended the two Bishops for what they did in the diocese.

Archbishop Mazombwe reaffirmed the church’s commitment to working with the government in the areas of education health and others.

“Both Bishop George and I resolve and decide to forge ahead in order that we continue to render service to you,” Archbishop Mazombwe said.

He said Bishop Lungu’s vocation was unique.

Bishop Lungu who is also Zambia Episcopal Conference president and Chipata Diocese Bishop commended Archbishop Mazombwe for his guidance during his journey to priesthood.

And Mangani who is also Chipata Central member of parliament said the government was happy and proud of the tremendous contribution that the two Bishops have made in the lives of many Zambians through their service in the church and also to government.

“There is no need for me to list the many works that the two Bishops have achieved in their service over the years. What they have done is there for all to see. Going by their ministry, you may all be aware that the two Bishops have served the church in various capacities before they were appointed shepherds of this Diocese and Lusaka,” Mangani said.

He said service to God and service to a fellow human being was what the church promotes and encourages.

“When I see the church, dear people of God, it is a living spiritual fountain of this nation. No other institution can play this role because no other institution is adequate even to claim this role for itself,” Mangani said.

Archbishop Mazombwe was ordained priest on 4 September 1960 while Bishop Lungu was ordained on 29 August 1985.

The function was attended by secretary to the Apostolic Nuncio, several Malawian Bishops and government officials among many others.

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