
Thursday, July 01, 2010

(HERALD) Don’t punish us under non-existent regulations

Don’t punish us under non-existent regulations

EDITOR — We have noticed that when it comes to issues concerning Zimbabwe, it is the same gang that has always gone against common, logical and legitimate majority positions. It is almost always our erstwhile former colonisers and their allies in the European Union, Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

They go to any length, even abusing the processes or corrupting the system through their proxies as evidenced by attempts by Global Witness and Partnership Africa Canada to cast aspersions on Zimbabwe’s diamonds. Their relentless efforts to see or keep Zimbabwe caged are bare.

It is a capital crime in their (in)sensibilities for Zimbabwe to protect its sovereignty or gain total control of its resources.

The rules are bent or shall not apply as long as Zimbabwe is the applicant, candidate or subject.

The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme that met in Israel recently was hijacked by the usual gang in a bid to deny Zimbabwe KP certification for Chiadzwa despite KP monitor Abbey Chikane’s report that Zimbabwe had met minimum KPCS requirements.

They want Zimbabwe’s Chiadzwa diamond sales put on hold until some definition crucial in the object and purpose of the KPCS is altered.

Zimbabwe is being punished under rules or regulations that are not yet made, which are still being proposed by anti-Zimbabwe and regime change elements.

In English Law "Nulla Poena Sine Lege", is a legal maxim that proposes that no person should suffer penalties except for a clear breach of existing law, that law being precise and well defined.

Another very important general rule applied at law internationally is "Nova Constitutio futuris forman imponere debet, non praeteritis", meaning that a new law ought to regulate what is to follow, not the past.

Zimbabwe has satisfied the current minimum KP certification standards, and should be judged on that, not be made to wait for future amendments.

On what basis does Global Witness and Partnership Africa Canada want one percent of the proceeds of Zimbabwe’s Chiadzwa diamonds?

The integrity of these organisations has ever been questionable and they are seriously compromised. Their approach and intentions over Zimbabwe’s KP certification had mercenary motives.

The Kimberley Process is doing itself a lot of damage by associating with organisations which go about soliciting for bribes to approve certification.

Tendai Biti, Zimbabwe’s Finance Minister, is their preferred replacement for Abbey Chikane, but replacing Abbey Chikane for what?

For an objective and factual assessment of Chiadzwa diamond fields in line with KP guidelines?

The choice of Biti is very interesting, Biti himself a proponent and fanatic of IMF’s Highly Indebted Poor Countries’ programme, who wanted Zimbabwe to be declared so and put under the programme.

Putting Zimbabwe and its resources including diamonds at the mercy (or rather mess) of the IMF administration.

The IMF, interestingly is where the US sanctions law, the so-called Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act, rules and compels American executive to act against Zimbabwe.

Cde Cad Mash.
United Kingdom.

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