
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kunda’s reasoning capacity worries Sata

Kunda’s reasoning capacity worries Sata
By George Chellah
Wed 28 July 2010, 04:01 CAT

PF leader Michael Sata yesterday said Vice-President George Kunda’s capacity to reason is becoming worrying by the day.

Reacting to Vice-President Kunda’s statement that the MMD will rule the country beyond 2030 whether people like it or not, Sata described Vice-President Kunda’s pronouncement as reckless and irresponsible. Sata said the statement bordered on national security.

“How can a Vice-President who is also a lawyer say that they will rule beyond 2030 whether people like it or not? That’s an insult to Zambia’s democracy. He is simply saying that Zambians are dunderheads, they can whip them into submission at any given instance,” Sata said.

“For George Kunda to say what he has said a year before the elections, he knows what he is talking about. And he knows what his government will do to maintain their hold on power even if it means by force. Kunda’s reasoning capacity is becoming extremely worrying by the day. He has the potential to set this country on fire.”

He warned that Vice-President Kunda’s conduct would bring trouble in the country if not checked.

”Kunda’s unreasonableness and insensitivity is getting out of proportion and it’s annoying to a greater extent. This Vice-President is a threat to national security,” Sata said.

“If he is not contained he can bring trouble to this country because pronouncements like the one he made are very dangerous to the security of this country.”

He urged Zambians to wake up and smell the coffee because President Rupiah Banda and his team do not mean well.

“From Kunda’s reckless remarks you can see that these characters are not democrats. We have tyrants masquerading as democrats. Kunda is now telling us that democracy is just a formality and they will keep suppressing the wishes and aspirations of the masses at all cost. No wonder they are dismantling everything because they have installed themselves as absolute rulers of the Republic of Zambia,” Sata said.

“They have secretly resolved with Rupiah that they are going nowhere even if people reject them in 2011. I can tell you that, that kind of bloated confidence is misplaced and dangerous for the country.”

Sata advised Vice-President Kunda to tame his excitement.

“A mouth can be very destructive both to the owner and those around him. Let me advise Kunda and those who manage him to contain their zeal because they are clearly on a destructive path,” said Sata.

Addressing a campaign rally at Mombo Basic School on Sunday to drum up support for the MMD candidate in the Luena by-election, Mwangala Maopu, Vice-President Kunda said the country’s opposition political parties were erratic because they had no vision or plan for the country.

“I was talking about Vision 2030. What that means is that we are going to rule as MMD beyond 2030 whether you like it or not…” Vice-President Kunda said.

And on the mobile hospitals loan, Sata said greedy and corrupt elements in the government had finally satisfied their appetite for money.

“We have no roads so where are they going to use those mobile hospitals? This whole deal is just a conduit by some corrupt people to pocket national resources like Frederick Chiluba did when he paid US$20 million for arms,” Sata said. “How are they going to maintain those mobile hospitals if they have failed to keep ordinary ambulances in a roadworthy condition? Ambulances especially in rural areas have broken down and nobody has even taken the initiative to repair them.”

The Chinese government on Monday gave Zambia a 361 million yuan about US million concessional loan to acquire mobile hospitals.

Sata also said the electricity tariff increase would just work against the environment.

“This government should abandon most of their policies on environmental protection. If tariffs are increased then we should expect serious deforestation because people will definitely go back to charcoal as a source of energy,” said Sata.

The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) on Monday authorized Zesco Limited to hike electricity tariffs by 25.6 per cent despite the deterioration in the quality of service to consumers and the high expenditure on staff emoluments.

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