
Thursday, July 29, 2010

(LUSAKATIMES) Sata offers solution to pact problems

COMMENT - Obviously the Lusaka Times is descending into MMD partisanship. Also, this article doesn't even say what the problems in the PF-UPND pact are.

Sata offers solution to pact problems
Wednesday, July 28, 2010, 8:10

Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata has said part of the solution to ending the wrangles that have rocked the pact with the United Party for National Development (UPND) is to choose a presidential candidate who will lead the two parties to next year’s general elections.

Mr Sata said in Lusaka yesterday that apart from harmonising manifestos and other issues, the critical issue for the pact was to choose a leader and that a roadmap that includes electing the president had been prepared to bring the differences to an end.

He was commenting on a statement by Mr Hichilema that the pact was facing problems that needed urgent solutions and that the issue of blaming each other should be tabled.

Mr Sata said a joint committee with representation from both political parties was planning to hold a private meeting to salvage the pact from collapse, but top on the agenda was the issue of the leadership.

He declined to state when the leadership would be elected and insisted that the matter would be discussed internally.

Meanwhile, UNZA political scientist, Phinias Baala has said the differences between the PF and UPND were serious and advised the two parties to disband.

Mr Baala, a lecturer in the school of political science, said the differences were deep and that it was impossible for the two parties to reconcile.

And Southern Province Minister, Daniel Munkombwe has said the current divisions in the PF and UPND have proved his earlier prediction that their pact would not last.

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