Monday, July 26, 2010

(LUSAKATIMES) Zambia: New Fertiliser Company cheers Mkushi DACO

Zambia: New Fertiliser Company cheers Mkushi DACO
Monday, July 26, 2010, 21:09

The Mkushi District Agriculture Coordinating Office has cheered the setting up of a Fertiliser producing company in the district.

During an interview with ZANIS, District Agriculture Coordinating Officer (DACO) Wabalika Chiluba, observed that the advent of Green Belt Fertiliser (GBF) factory in the district was a major boost to the agriculture fraternity owing to localized production of fertilizer.

Mr. Chiluba said that the coming of GBF was likely to bring all round benefits to farmers in the district, noting that localized production of fertilizer presented assurance in the supply of fertilizer.

He said the factory plant has been well received in the district and that the development carried much hope of further enhancing Mkushi’s reputation as a major agricultural district.

In a related interview, Mkushi Green Belt Plant Manager, Chris Barker said the factory was currently averaging a daily out put ranging between 60, 000 and 90, 000 by 50kg bags of fertilizer.

Mr. Barker said the production prospects were likely to take an upswing saying that the plant was working towards reaching an average daily out put of 200, 000 bags.

He said the production prospects capacity was greatly being aided by modernized state of the art plant machinery, and that the demand pull from farmers was also playing a major role in scaling up production quantity.

He pointed out that the GBF factory was capable of making various types of fertilizers adding that as many as 20 different raw materials were being used in the production of these fertilizers.

Mr. Barker projected busier times for the GBF plant and observed that the market in Mkushi had indicated much promise during the company’s first month of production.

He also said that the company hopes to achieve a monthly target of at least 3000 bags of fertilizer.

GBF commenced production in the district last month.


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