
Sunday, July 04, 2010

Simbao is a responsible person serving in an irresponsible govt - Syakalima

Simbao is a responsible person serving in an irresponsible govt - Syakalima
By Ernest Chanda and Moses Kuwema
Sun 04 July 2010, 04:01 CAT

SIAVONGA UPND member of parliament Douglas Syakalima has observed that health minister Kapembwa Simbao is a responsible person serving in an irresponsible government.

Commenting on Simbao’s appeal for donor aid last Wednesday despite President Rupiah Banda and Vice-President George Kunda telling donors off, Syakalima urged Simbao to ensure accountability for the same money when it is given.

“In my view, Simbao is being a responsible Zambian because the entire government is not responsible. This is a government where the top two President and his Vice have cast aspersions on donors. I just want to request my colleague Simbao that he should also assure donors that their money will be accounted for. That money comes from people who pay tax and should not be abused by anyone. Simbao is a responsible person serving in an irresponsible government,” said Syakalima.

And Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) has said Zambians should hold the government accountable for any deaths that will occur as a result of failure to carry out the measles vaccination exercise.

SACCORD information officer Obby Chibuluma also advised President Rupiah Banda to swallow his pride and openly apologise to the nation and the donor community.

“President Banda should openly apologise to Zambians and the donor community over his statement that no one asked the donors to come to Zambia. This statement shows that the government does not care about the majority of Zambians who are suffering,” Chibuluma said.

Chibuluma said the government was not interested in accountability and would go to any length to stifle anyone who called for accountability.

“It does not pay to be arrogant, you can’t continue with that kind of arrogance. The President should just swallow his pride and apologise. We also want to know what he discussed with the donors so that the continued barking at the donors should come to an end,” said Chibuluma.

Briefing the press and donors at Lusaka’s Hotel Intercontinental, Simbao appealed for urgent donor aid to enable his ministry carry out a measles vaccination exercise countrywide.

“So far, as of the 24th of June, we've recorded 2,832 cases of measles. We have recorded 66 deaths countrywide. This is very serious because the last time we recorded any deaths due to measles was in 2003,” Simbao said. “…I want to appeal here that if we don't take immediate measures like today we are likely to lose a lot of lives.”

Simbao’s appeal for aid came barely a week after President Rupiah Banda upon arrival from Namibia castigated donors that Zambia did not need them.

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