Sunday, July 18, 2010

(MRK, YOUTUBE) Daniel Estulin discuss Bilderberg conference on the Corbett Report Part

Daniel Estulin on the coming economic collapse.

This has grave implications for Zambia, and it's reliance on 'donor aid', which comes in currencies that may not be worth much if worse comes to worst. There is an immediate need to siphon money from mining and put it into productive industries, agriculture, infrastructure and manufacturing and create products of real value. Not tomorrow, not 'some time in the future', but today. Before the money is gone, and donor aid flows stop.

Right now, the Euro is massively oversold versus the Dollar, and I think it can go from 1,29 to 1,50, easily within the next 6 months. Also, the stock market (DJIA, S&P) is going down now. This is a time of big swings in the stock and commodities markets. And the Finance Minister needs to put his country before his personal interests and reinstitute the Windfall Tax, or go even further and ensure $1.2 billion a year is collected from the mines.

Daniel Estulin discuss Bilderberg conference on the Corbett Report Part 1/3

Daniel Estulin discuss Bilderberg conference on the Corbett Report Part 2/3

Daniel Estulin discuss Bilderberg conference on the Corbett Report Part 3/3

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