Sunday, July 25, 2010

Stories on the pact are like reading a novel - Kunda

Stories on the pact are like reading a novel - Kunda
By Mwala Kalaluka in Mongu
Sat 24 July 2010, 15:10 CAT

VICE-President George Kunda yesterday said reading about certain developments in the UPND-PF pact from newspapers like The Post and state newspapers is as interesting as reading a novel daily.

And Vice-President Kunda has labeled UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema as a confused person who had sent rejects like his party vice-president for political affairs, Francis Simenda, to sale the party in the Western Province .

Meanwhile, Vice-President Kunda has urged Mongu residents to attend the rallies he would address in Luena so that they hear the detailed dossier he had on the Alliance for Development and Democracy (ADD) candidate in Luena, Charles Milupi.

Addressing MMD cadres and some government officials that came to receive him at Mongu airstrip when he arrived to grace this year’s Kufuluhela Ceremony and to campaign for the MMD candidate Mwangala Maopu in the Luena by-election, Vice-President Kunda said what was happening in the UPND-PF pact was of interest to the nation.

Vice-President Kunda said he had come with a powerful team of cabinet ministers and party officials to Mongu so that the MMD could campaign very effectively in Luena Constituency.

“Those of us who read newspapers, especially The Post newspaper and of course our state newspapers you must have seen, you must have read the in-depth analysis of what is going on in the UPND-PF pact,” Vice-President Kunda said as some people in the crowd said ‘sishwile’ (its dead.)

“There are certain developments in there, which are of interest to the nation. Our President, Mr. Rupiah Bwezani Banda who has sent me here has given us instructions to say let us not be bothered or concerned of what is happening in the UPND-PF pact. Of course what is happening in the UPND-PF pact is very interesting, if you are reading the newspapers. It is like you are reading a novel everyday. It is very interesting what we are seeing.”

Vice-President Kunda said what the MMD should do was to concentrate on strengthening the party.

“What we should do ourselves, Mr. Chairman of the party, is to concentrate on strengthening our party, the MMD because we believe in order. We believe in peace and tranquility. We should concentrate on mobilization and strengthening ourselves,” Vice-President Kunda said.

“We in the leadership of government and in the party we consider Western Province as a stronghold of MMD. There are some people who are trying to sell their parties to Western Province and have employed Mr. Imenda…Mr. Simenda (after being corrected). Mr. Simenda I was with him in Parliament, the so-called vice-president of UPND for political affairs. We were together in Parliament and he had failed lamentably, because he had failed, you rejected him here in Mongu. He failed the elections, you rejected him lamentably.”
At this point Vice-President Kunda asked the interpreter to translate to him what some people in the crowd meant when they said ‘ana tuso’ (a useless person) in reference to Simenda.

“Now you see with HH, Mr. Hakainde Hichilema, confused as he is, he has now got to pick on rejects to come and sell UPND here. PF is also doing the same. It is using one of the rejects who was rejected from this province to sell that party here called PF,” Vice-President Kunda said.

Vice-President Kunda urged the people of Western Province to be united.

“We have formidable leaders coming from this province. We have the whole national chairman of the party coming from here, for the whole nation. We have cabinet ministers from this province, including Prof Lungwangwa; one of the few professors in cabinet and in Parliament,” Vice-President Kunda said.

“We have the Minister of Finance, he is from here. He is coming and he is…to his village, the Minister of Finance, in-charge of the national purse, coming from here Western Province ! We also have our honourable Mr. Speaker, in-charge of the Legislature. This is the leadership, which Western Province is providing to this country.”

Vice-President Kunda said there was also community development minister Michael Kaingu who was looking after women affairs and doing a fantastic job of selling President Banda.

“We have cabinet ministers, deputy ministers all providing leadership, all providing national leadership and we treasure these MPs and ministers from Western Province ,” Vice-President Kunda said.

“Now, what is the advantage, which Western Province is getting from that scenario where we have deputy ministers, our national chairman providing leadership? You see, the ministers who are in cabinet, full cabinet ministers, when we are sharing national resources, what is called the national budget, we sit together on a big table chaired by our President Mr. Rupiah Bwezani Banda and they are also present representing you so that we can provide accelerated development to the rest of the country. That is the advantage that is there. We shall provide development to all parts of the country.”

Vice-President Kunda said the government would explore for oil and minerals and build schools.

“Now, ladies and gentlemen, countrymen and women what do you want to do with rejects? Rejects accommodating rejects. Those who want to bring rejects to confuse you from their provinces,” he said.

“For example, HH, HH is under siege in Southern Province. People have rejected him in Southern Province, now he wants to export confusion from there into Western Province . Please, my brothers and sisters don’t allow that kind of situation.”

Vice-President Kunda in his airport address avoided saying much on former Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman, Charles Milupi, who is contesting the Luena by-election on the ADD ticket.

“For Mr. Milupi, Mr. Milupi I won’t say much here about him but I am going in the field. I am going in the field with my team and we are going to explain his weaknesses because we have been with him in Parliament. We know what he is made of,” Vice-President Kunda said.

“Those who want to know I have got a detailed dossier, dossier in French, on Mr. Milupi, please come to the rallies, which we are going to address in the constituency.”

Earlier, Vice-President Kunda said he was always happy to come to Western Province because it was his second home but as his motorcade later drove passed Mongu’s Liyoyelo Market from the airport, some pedestrians raised hands and shouted slogans in solidarity with Milupi’s party, ADD.

In his opening remarks, Western Province minister Sikwibele Mwapela said the people of the province were solidly behind the able leadership of President Banda and the MMD because they had seen a lot ‘development’ in the area.

Mwapela claimed that this solidarity with the MMD was because of the progress recorded on the completion of the controversial Mongu-Kalabo road project and the commencement of the Senanga-Sesheke road project.

“Your party in the province has already done the groundwork in Luena Constituency and we are conducting our peaceful campaign based on issues and not name-calling,” said Mwapela.

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