
Friday, July 30, 2010

Three Zambians to attend Obama Forum with Young African leaders

Three Zambians to attend Obama Forum with Young African leaders
By Speedwell Mupuchi in Kitwe
Fri 30 July 2010, 10:10 CAT

THREE young Zambians will next week will join more than 100 young leaders from civil society and private sector at the President Barrack Obama Forum with Young African leaders in Washington D.C.

According to a press release from the US Embassy in Lusaka, the three Zambians would have an opportunity to ask President Obama some questions during the forum.

US Embassy Charge D’Affaires Michael Kaplovsky named the three Zambians to be among delegates to represent 40 Sub-Sahara African countries at the forum as Abigail Kaindu from Camfed and Samfya Women Filmmakers, Mundia Hakoola from the National Youth Anti-Corruption Movement and Brenda Phiri from Deloitte and Touche.

According to Kaplovsky, President Obama will as part of the forum host a town hall meeting at the White House with the young leaders to discuss their vision for transforming their societies over the next 50 years.

“In addition to the town hall meeting with the president, the forum will include small-group discussions on topics such as transparency and accountability, job creation and entrepreneurship, rights advocacy and the use of technology to empower individuals and communities. Participants will have an opportunity to meet with grassroots service organisations to share experiences and strategies,” according to the press release.

“The U.S. government’s role in this gathering is as a convener, encouraging networks between young American and African leaders, and pursuing lasting partnerships on behalf of our common security and prosperity,” said Koplovsky. “This dialogue and follow-up events in Africa will help the U.S. government better assess how to support Africa’s own aspirations going forward.”

The release also quoted Hakoola saying, “This is an opportunity for many young African leaders to build strong partnerships with fellow African countries and with the United States of America. This is an honorable event that will build capacity of young people.”

Kaplovsky also encouraged Zambians to visit the US Embassy Facebook page and share what they would ask President Obama if given the chance.

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