
Monday, August 23, 2010

Auditors General’s report reveals irregularities at ECZ

Auditors General’s report reveals irregularities at ECZ
By Moses Kuwema
Mon 23 Aug. 2010, 14:00 CAT

THE Auditor General’s report on the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has revealed that imprests totaling over K1.2 billion issued to six councils between September and December 2008 had not been retired as of March this year.

According to the report of the Auditor General for 2008 on the funds disbursed to districts for the presidential and parliamentary by-elections, the six councils that had not retired imprest are Kalabo, Kaoma, Choma, Monze, Chibombo and Chipata.

“Contrary to financial regulation No. 96 (1), imprests in amounts totaling K1,242,651,490, issued to six (6) officers in six (6) councils during the period September to December 2008 had not been retired as of March 2010,” the report stated.

“During the year under review ECZ conducted presidential and parliamentary by-elections. To this effect, ECZ disbursed amounts totaling K109,194,379,000 to all the districts during the period between September and December 2008 for the purpose of the by-elections.”

The report stated that out of a total of K12,375,933,462 disbursed to six councils, amounts totaling K263,042,782 could not be accounted for as there were no expenditure details provided to ascertain how the funds were utilized.

The councils are Mumbwa, Chibombo, Kabwe, Kapiri Mposhi, Nchelenge and Mpika.

“Contrary to financial regulation No. 52, payments in amounts totaling K1,052,970,765 made by three councils Monze, Kaoma and Kapiri Mposhi were inadequately supported in that there were no receipts, invoices among others,” the report stated.

The report further observed that seven councils namely Kasama, Mansa, Ndola, Katete, Petauke, Mwinilunga and Kasempa did not maintain basic accounting records such as cashbooks, bank reconciliation statements and payment vouchers.

“Fuel costing K890,433,424 purchased during the period from September to December 2008 by eleven councils was not accounted for in that there were no disposal details. In the absence of disposal details, it was not clear as to whether the fuel was utilized for the intended purpose,” it stated.

The report further highlighted that contrary to financial regulation No. 65 (1), seven payment vouchers for payments made between November 6 and November 17 2008 by Kapiri Mposhi district council in amounts totaling over K708,340,000 were not availed for audit.

And a review of accounting records at the ECZ revealed that Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and National Pensions Scheme Authority (NAPSA) contributions in amounts totaling over K2.4 billion were owed to the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) and NAPSA as of June 2009.

“Contrary to financial regulation number 52 three (3) payments in amounts totaling K403,129,050 made during the period April 2008 to December 2008 were inadequately supported by documents such as receipts, invoices among others,” the report stated.

The report revealed that contrary to financial regulation number 96 (1) imprests in amounts totaling over K352 million paid to three officers in February 2008 had not been retired as of March 2010.

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