
Sunday, August 01, 2010

Campaigns in Chifubu by-elections gain momentum

Campaigns in Chifubu by-elections gain momentum
By Abigail Chaponda and Mwila Chansa in Ndola
Sun 01 Aug. 2010, 04:00 CAT

CAMPAIGNS in the forthcoming Chifubu constituency parliamentary by-election in Ndola have seemingly gained momentum. And some PF members have urged police not to ignite tension in Chifubu because they police would not handle its consequences.

A check by The Post in Pamodzi township yesterday found scores of PF cadres conducting their door-to-door campaigns whilst singing solidarity songs for their candidate and chanting ‘we want change!’

Their MMD counterparts on the other hand had gathered at former ZCBC grounds where they were waiting to be addressed by their aspiring candidate Frank Ng’ambi.

A number of women and children had a brief break from their daily chores and watched the campaign team selling their candidate through songs and slogans.

Earlier, some PF cadres who included PF leader Michael Sata’s security person Judge Ngoma went round Kansenshi area and urged people to attend a rally that was likely to be addressed by party vice-president Dr Guy Scott and secretary general Wynter Kabimba.

As the cadres who were using a public announcement system went about with their announcements, they met police officers that had mounted a road block near Kansenshi Secondary School and according to the cadres, the officers allegedly impounded their vehicle on instruction from ‘above’.

One of the cadres, Ngoma, was found giving a statement to police at Chifubu Police Station.

The cadres found outside charged that police were allegedly provoking them and wondered how a road block could be mounted specifically for them.

“That road block was just mounted for us because immediately they impounded our vehicle, they even dispersed. We hear that some MMD cadres have brought a complaint that we destroyed their posters but we were the first ones to report this matter to the police three days ago and nothing has been done about it,” one cadre said.

Another cadre claimed that even some police officers were unhappy with the way they were allegedly being used to harass the opposition.

“Even those police officers are saying that the police command should not ignite violence here the way they did in Mufumbwe because they will not be able to handle it. This is Ndola. It is a difficult place,” the cadre said.

But Chifubu police commanding officer Byson Mwape dispelled assertions that a road block had been mounted to specifically nab PF cadres.

He said as far as he was concerned, no car had been impounded and that even the van belonging to PF cadres and parked outside Chifubu police station was free.

Mwape said the statements that were being recorded were for an incident that happened some time in Minsundu area where there were reports of fights and pulling down of each others’ posters.

And PF and MMD cadres almost clashed near Chifubu police station as both parties were campaigning.

The cadres who chanted slogans at each other almost fought but were separated by the police and ordered to go separate ways to avoid a fight.

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