
Friday, August 06, 2010

CEEC launches school’s Graduate Empowerment Programme

CEEC launches school’s Graduate Empowerment Programme
By Salim Dawood
Thu 05 Aug. 2010, 14:00 CAT

Citizen's Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC) yesterday launched the Graduate Empowerment Programme at Lusaka’s Munali High School with a call on youths to explore entrepreneurship and self-employment.

The programme which is yet to be taken to other secondary schools and high learning institutions in the country is aiming to promote and cultivate an entrepreneurship culture and enhance business leadership skills in the youth.

And Ministry of Education permanent secretary Nalituba Mwale observed that many 90 per cent of the young people were unable to access the Citizens Economic Empowerment Fund (CEEF) because they were unable to meet the selection criteria.

Speaking during the launch, CEEC director general Mable Mung'omba encouraged young people to explore entrepreneurship and self-employment through the recognition and development of their inventive, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

“The Programme will target TEVET Graduates and University to be graduates with the hope of assisting them in developing attributes and skills associated with entrepreneurs and leadership,” she said.

She said the Graduate Empowerment Programme was aimed at transforming the minds of young people in secondary schools and high learning institutions to prepare them to succeed in the entrepreneurial economy.

Mwale said for entrepreneurship to flourish people needed to cultivate transformed minds that can adopt innovative, self confidence, leadership skills and traits in adopting into an entrepreneurial culture.

She said government had developed policies, legal and legal frames to create an entrepreneurial environment.

“These developments have resulted in a considerable increase in the number of people registering business and accessing credit, including the Citizen's Economic Empowerment Fund.,” she said.

Mwale said the funds extended to lending institutions including the Citizen's Economic Empowerment Fund were targeted at individuals with knowledge of the undertaking entrepreneurship.

“From the type of the CEEF Proposals submitted by the youth, more than 90 per cent do not match the selection criteria. This has been exacerbated by the inability of the entrepreneurs and youth in particular to articulate and sell bankable projects through robust plans,” she observed.

Mwale said in most instances, youth have not been able to find formal employment because of the inability of the job market to create sufficient jobs to absorb these new entrants.

“The Graduate Empowerment Programme is one such programme that has been created to help and prepare the youth get but viable employment opportunities,” said Mwale.

And Munali Boys High Head teacher Cyrus Chikanta said the school was grateful that CEEC chose to launch the programme at his school.

“We will harness it and make sure it is a success he said,” said Chikanta.

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