
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Changwe’s case has embarrassed DPP, police - ZCEA

Changwe’s case has embarrassed DPP, police - ZCEA
By George Chellah
Wed 18 Aug. 2010, 04:03 CAT

GENDER deputy minister Lucy Changwe’s case has embarrassed Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Chalwe Mchenga and the police, Zambia Civic Education Association (ZCEA) executive director Judith Mulenga said yesterday. And Mulenga advised Changwe to resign from office.

Commenting on the delay by the police to arrest and prosecute Changwe for bouncing a cheque amounting to K10 million, Mulenga expressed dissatisfaction with the manner in which Changwe’s matter had been handled.

“I think the case is embarrassing the law enforcement agencies particularly the police,” Mulenga said. “The case has embarrassed the DPP and the police.”

She said the law must take its course on the matter.

“Zambians are waiting, we are waiting. It’s not like just because people are not talking then they are not concerned,” Mulenga said.

“We are waiting for them police to do something about it.”

She said there was need for the law enforcement agencies to constantly inform the people about the matter.

“If they are still investigating the matter let them tell us how far they have gone with their investigations,” Mulenga said.

“They always tell us when they are doing investigations and how they are progressing. The citizens have to be updated on what is going on this matter.”

She said Changwe’s non-arrest and prosecution strengthens the interpretation that Kafulafuta MMD member of parliament George Mpombo’s case was vindictive.

“If they expedited the Mpombo case then they also have the capacity to expedite the Changwe case,” she said.

Mulenga advised Changwe to vacate office.
“Changwe must emulate education minister Dora Siliya and resign on her own, Dora resigned. But the question is, has Changwe made any effort to resign?” Mulenga asked.

“She should resign and wait for the appointing authority to make a decision whether to respect her resignation or not.”

She said the manner in which Changwe’s case had been handled raised issues of professionalism on the part of the police.

“Zambians have talked about the conduct of the police, what more do they want? They are unprofessional,” said Mulenga.

Changwe, who is also Mkushi North MMD member of parliament, bounced a K10 million cheque in a house purchase transaction.

Roger Musonda, the owner of the property in question has already reported the matter to police.

Musonda said he was convinced that there is a strong case against Changwe.

Musonda said he is very suspicious about the delay by police to arrest and prosecute Changwe for bouncing a cheque.
Recently, Mpombo was convicted by the magistrate’s court in Ndola on one count of issuing a cheque on an insufficiently funded account.
Mpombo was slapped with a two months sentence and a K4 million fine.

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