
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

CSPR condemns Mulongoti’s attacks on donors

CSPR condemns Mulongoti’s attacks on donors
By George Zulu in Monze
Tue 17 Aug. 2010, 04:01 CAT

CIVIL Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR) has described Mike Mulongoti’s statement against donors and NGOs as very irresponsible especially that much of the developmental activities in the nation are donor funded.

In an interview on Saturday, CSPR vice chairperson Partner Siabutuba said it
was unfortunate for works and supply minister Mulongoti to suggest that donors were in the habit of withholding funds because they wanted a regime change whenever developing countries neared elections.

Siabutuba said CSPR found the statement very difficult and provocative because donors only wanted their monies to be used prudently and not misappropriated.

“Has Mulongoti forgotten about what happened in the Ministry of Health
where donor funds were allegedly stolen, misappropriated by government officers
and when donors withhold funding will they be accused of agitating for a regime change?” Siabutuba asked.

“This government should be very serious than accusing donors and NGOs who speak against graft in government institutions especially theft of donor and public funds.”

He asked the government to explain why the donors should not talk about abuse of funds, money meant to benefit the poor Zambians.

Siabutuba said Mulongoti should have apologized to the donors for having accused them of supporting regime.

He said it seemed to be very difficult for the MMD government to accept that donors had a responsibility to demand accountability and transparency in the manner their funds were utilized.

“The major issue is that the people of Zambia have for a long time now been preparing for elections whether a regime change or not, the people of Zambia know what to do next year,” said Siabutuba.

“The problem with MMD leaders is that they are jittery about the current situation in the country so they will throw all their missiles in all directions. It is very wrong and we find it to be difficult for government to claim that NGOs and donors were enemies of government.”

Recently, Mulongoti accused donors of pushing for regime change by withholding funds whenever developing countries like Zambia were about to hold elections.

Mulongoti, who featured on Mazabuka Radio’s live wire programme, also said non-governmental organisations (NGOs), apart from donors, were enemies of the government.

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