
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fr Bwalya to counter Chanda Chimba’s documentaries

Fr Bwalya to counter Chanda Chimba’s documentaries
By Kombe Chimpinde
Thu 19 Aug. 2010, 14:10 CAT

Change Life Zambia (CLZ) Executive Director Fr Frank Bwalya has disclosed that he is set to produce and release a series of documentaries focused countering issues raised by freelance journalist and MMD sympathiser Chanda Chimba III. And Fr Bwalya has said the MMD will feel the impact of the red card campaign in the 2011 elections.

Speaking in an interview, Fr Bwalya said his decision follows a series of documentaries produced by Chimba and aired on ZNBC and MUVI TV denouncing him and the Catholic Church, the opposition Patriotic Front (PF) and Post Newspaper editor-in-chief Fred M'membe.

“Am collecting as much information as possible from various sources in order to expose Chanda. The Catholics and I have been greatly injured by those documentaries aimed at scandalising my name and my church and even imputing criminal conduct on my part,” Fr Bwalya said.

Fr Bwalya said his documentary would be limited to his what he termed “findings on Chanda Chimba's dirty dealings” and his association with the ruling MMD who he accused of having funded his operational and production costs stressing that the documentaries will also signify the disgust by him and the Catholic church.

In his text message to Chimba accessed by The Post online last month, Fr Bwalya warned Chimba that he would soon “taste the bitter taste of his own medicine.”

“Dear Chanda Chimba III, thanks for scandalizing my name and my church. I have a lot of information about you from people that have been hurt because of you defaming them. I can't believe that many people know your scandals.

I am making a documentary on you. It will be ready soon. So look out for it. You will soon taste your own bitter medicine,” the text read.

Fr Bwalya said he his main objective was to reveal the motivation behind the documentaries that have so far been produced.

He cautioned however that the documentary is only an action that has been taken by him to defend himself and the Catholic church emphasizing that others have since taken legal action against Chimba.

And Fr Bwalya has disclosed that he has circulated 50,000 red cards since his famous red-card campaign kicked off.

He said that this figure excludes cards produced and distributed by other civil society organizations and the public.

“The red card campaign is still on and strong contrary to assertions by President Rupiah Banda that people have shunned the campaign. It may seem like we are not working but we feel we are on course .

People appreciate that the objectives of the campaign is anchored on strong principles which is to denounce the government's failure to govern the people of Zambia according to expectations. The campaign is unstoppable and is spreading like a bush fire,” said Fr Bwalya.

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