Monday, August 16, 2010

(HERALD) A1 farmers deliver more tobacco

A1 farmers deliver more tobacco
Agriculture Reporter

The majority of farmers from around Zimbabwe who delivered flue-cured tobacco in 2010 are small-scale growers. This is attributed to an increase in the number of small-scale farmers as a result of the land reform programme. Another reason is that tobacco has become one of the best paying crops.

Information provided by the Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board indicates that by the end of July, A1 farmers had sold more than 44 million kgs of tobacco valued at nearly US$119 million. The average price was US$2,65 per kg. Small-scale commercial sector deliveries stood at 7,8 million kgs worth US$21 million.

Co-operatives contributed nearly 100 000 kg valued at US$276 772 at an average price of US$2,78.

A2 farmers brought 13,7 million kgs to the market, which is valued at slightly more than US$41 million at an average price of US$2,98 per kg.

On the other hand, large scale commercial producers sold 40 million kgs by the end July.

Their crop fetched more than US$130 million at an average price of US$3,25 per kg.

According to TIMB, contractors’ seasonal average price is US$3,09 per kg compared to an auction average of US$2,50.

"Farmers who used to shun contract sales have slowly moved to contract because of better prices being offered by contractors though lower than prices recorded at the beginning of the season," TIMB said in a statement.

More than 53 000 farmers have so far registered to grow tobacco next season.

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