
Thursday, August 12, 2010

(HERALD) Zim’s recovery, restoration, emergence

Zim’s recovery, restoration, emergence

AFTER visiting Nigeria in 2001, this writer remarked on ZBC Radio 1, "if you haven’t been to Nigeria, then you have not been to Africa". I qualified that statement within the context of the subject under discussion. Nine years later, I won’t hesitate to say the same.

To this writer, Nigerians represent Africa’s rainbow nation. They are full of life, have a rich cultural heritage. Even in matters of the heart — spiritual matters, they are full of zest.

I was therefore not surprised when recently Bishop Larry Ekanem of the Africa Total Liberation Commission based in Abuja, Nigeria, spoke to The Arena very passionately about Zimbabwe’s recovery, restoration and emergence. Bishop Larry is currently in Zimbabwe doing some teachings on the issue at the Kingdom Business Citadel.

The patriotic spirit and the message of hope and deliverance he espoused were typical of what this writer has witnessed among other African nationalities regarding Zimbabwe and Africa in general.

In his message, Bishop Larry calls on every African "to arise and posses his/her identity, dignity and destiny".

Claims Bishop Larry, "This is God’s time for Africa — a time for total liberation of Africa; a time of total restoration!

"It is vital for every African living on the earth today to know his/her identity, recover his dignity, discover your potential and purpose and then take responsibility and fulfill your destiny . . . The Jewish nation was born in Africa!

"We carry the apostolic mantle to initiate, preserve, continue and finish what others cannot do . . . "

"We re in a race against time. It’s time to take action . . . Our identity and dignity are in a chaotic trance, and our destiny seems to stand in a balance because of the twisted position of our mindsets.

"We seem to believe that we are inferior, and an afterthought of God’s creation. Colonial imperialism and oppression have done much harm to the mind of an average African man leaving his sense of purpose and vision crushed. (But) we can’t change the past, but we can use our past to deal with our today", said Bishop Larry.

Bishop Larry also said, "there is much that we can do today to change Africa".

Turning to the Zimbabwe commission Bishop Larry said that he has received several prophetic messages regarding Zimbabwe.

He said that on Thursday, March 25, 2009 about 3:00, the Lord said to Him: "Son, get up and go down to Zimbabwe . . . for the time, yea, the set time to heal her has come.

"The word I sent you in October 2007 to prophesy over Zimbabwe is coming to pass. I am sending you now for the recovery, restoration and emergence of the nation as my end-time strong and mighty witness among the nations. The time to favour her has come. My presence has gone before you . . . "

Bishop Larry revealed that in 2007 he was in Zimbabwe for a five-day "Prophetic Restoration Conference in Harare", and he delivered to the nation a message from prophet Joel 2: 21 - 27:

He said, "(Today) Zimbabwe stood on the threshold of the total fulfilment of the above prophecy. God is raising her from rags to rich . . . from shame to fame".

He, however cautioned, "Watch out! There is still one more battle to fight, the battle to change the mindset of the people in order to produce real unity, peace and prosperity in the land, in the church, in Government and leaders — giving hope to the people, after which Zimbabwe will emerge stronger, better and richer.

"The people of Zimbabwe will be used as God’s end-time great witnesses in the nations of the world in these final hours." (See also Joel 2: 28 - 29)

Bishop Larry also said God said to him: "Son, there is coming upon Zimbabwe an outpouring of My Spirit upon the nation, and everyone living there shall be affected . . . "

"God is visiting Zimbabwe, and He is doing it big. Zimbabwe will never be the same again. A new day has dawned on Zimbabwe. No power can stop her from rising to possess her possession, and He shall be honoured in her Zimbabwe because God has chosen Zimbabwe".

Bishop Larry also said that on September 20, 2009 he had the following prophetic message on Zimbabwe, which is why he was in the country to teach the nation about the special place it has in God’s heart:

"Arise Zimbabwe, arise. Arise and shine for your light has come. The glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. Darkness may cover the earth, and gross darkness may cover the nations of the world, but the Lord has risen upon thee, and His glory shall be seen in thee. Nations shall come to the brightness of rising . . . many who have mocked thee shall serve thee.

"Arise O my church, arise! You are the key to the healing of Zimbabwe. Arise, O women of Zimbabwe . . . Arise O women of faith. Arise with the favour of Esther, and the boldness of Deborah, and with the songs of Miriam…for the power of the Most High is coming upon you … and your prayer of faith is about to give birth to a new Zimbabwe…"

"You are like a Biblical valley of dry bones … all that the world has been seeing in you is a valley of dry bones of sick, poor and dying people . . . Zimbabwe is programmed in God’s divine plan for prosperity . . . The various currencies — pounds US dollars, Euros, Rand, Pula, etc that are being used in the nation right now is a prophetic sign.

"The days are here. I will cause many nations to come to Zimbabwe to worship me as I pour out My Spirit on the land."

Bishop Larry added that the Lord said, "When your money’s value dropped leaving millions, billions and trillions of Zimbabwe dollars in people’s hands, from the poorest woman in the rural area to the greatest in the city . . . even children touched and spent millions. Everyone had millions, trillions and more.

"It looked really gloomy. But it was a sign of the coming financial wealth I will bring to the nation. You were millionaires, billionaires and trillionaires because I have planned to raise you as a nation of financial moguls.

"Unaccountable world-class millionaires and billionaires will come from Zimbabwe to impact the nation and the world.

"I will raise you from rags to riches . . . Look up to God, your Creator, your Maker, your Saviour, your Redeemer . . . God loves you Zimbabwe, saith the Spirit of the Lord."

Bishop Larry emphasised to The Arena the importance of Africans liberating themselves from the ‘digitalised slavery mentality’.

He also said that just like the nation of Israel during their days in Egypt, after Joseph’s time, there arose a leadership that did not know Joseph. The same with Zimbabwe where a generation is rising that does not know about the liberation struggle.

Turning to land, he said that it is as if Zimbabweans are fighting for a generation that does not understand its purpose. They do not get it that land had to be taken by force because there was no alternative.

"Even in Biblical times that was the case," he said.

He also said that Zimbabwe carried an apostolic anointing for leading Africa in this transformation, but people have to believe in themselves.

"Zimbabweans have to ask themselves why for example they have the highest literacy rate in Africa despite the economic challenges, and why diamonds have become such a big issue," he said.

He advised that Zimbabweans have to get out of the mentality of being employees, happy with the offices and packages they receive, but which they can lose when they lose their jobs.

"People should start training themselves to be job creators and business entrepreneurs. Get out of the servant mentality and raise a nation of leaders. Zimbabwe did not go through what it went through for itself, but for Africa to arise.

"Zimbabweans must not destroy themselves from within. Support the leadership and one another. As a nation Zimbabweans must also project themselves positively. And, Zimbabwe must be a praying nation, and watch over the nation as Nehemiah did (Chapter 4)", he said.

"People should have a heart and mind to work like Nehemiah did when restoring the walls and gates of Jerusalem.

"Zimbabwe is a great people like its name. I don’t know how they dropped the ‘Great’ from Great Zimbabwe (Great house of Rock). It’s built on the rock of ages — the Lord, and it should be Great, Great Zimbabwe."

He also said that Zimbabweans in the Diaspora should realise that "it is vital they get the kind of training and education that they will bring back to rebuild the nation."

Bishop Larry Ekanem has been coming to Zimbabwe to minister since 1999. Twice in 2001 Parade magazine featured him and the miracles and teachings he performed.

He also told Parade, "I feel God wants to do something in Zimbabwe. He wants the world to take notice of this small country.

"Prophetically, God has chosen Zimbabwe for a special place . . . The crisis in Zimbabwe was blown out in such a way that it’s actually projecting the country in a very negative fashion.

"Nigeria went through some hard times but God answered the people of Nigeria and the tide is now changing. I think it is Zimbabwe’s time to return to God."

tendai.manzvanzvike ***

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