
Friday, August 06, 2010

Milupi retains Luena parliamentary seat

Milupi retains Luena parliamentary seat
By By Mwala Kalaluka in Luena
Fri 06 Aug. 2010, 11:00 CAT

Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) candidate Charles Milupi has retained the Luena parliamentary seat after recording 3, 688 votes from yesterday’s by-election. Milupi was declared winner of the election at around 10:50 today (August 6, 2010), by returning officer Chrispine Kalihonga.

The official results finally confirmed Milupi as the member of parliament for Luena while MMD candidate Mwangala Maopu trailed with 2, 800 votes. UPND through its candidate Muyunda Ililonga got 1, 806 leaving 116 votes to ULP candidate Kachala Musole and 115 to UNIP’s Mutokela Mutokela.

Mongu residents broke into celebrations chanting ADD party slogans immediately Milupi was announced as the duly elected member of parliament for Luena.


ADD’s Milupi on track to retain Luena seat
By Mwala Kalaluka
Unconfirmed results from all the 42 polling stations in Luena constituency are showing strong indications that the newly formed Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) through its candidate Charles Milupi may retain the parliamentary seat following yesterday’s by-election.

At around 03:50, returning officers in Luena counted ballot papers from at least 33 of the 42 polling stations and together with the unconfirmed results compiled by The Post on-line in the remaining 9 polling stations, Milupi now leads the race with 1, 207.

Although the final results are yet to be announced, unconfirmed figures suggest what the Luena outcome might look like.

ADD has 3, 278, MMD 2, 071, UPND 1, 326, UNIP 84 while ULP has managed to get 70 votes only from across the constituency.


MMD closes in on ADD’s Milupi in Luena
By Mwala Kalaluka
THE ruling MMD has closed up on the gap earlier recoded in the election results being counted in Luena following yesterday’s parliamentary by-elections.

The officially announced results from 17 polling stations now put ADD candidate Charles Milupi ahead of MMD’s Mwangala Maopu with only 46 votes.

The total results so far indicate that ADD is ahead with 1, 335, MMD 1, 289, UPND candidate Muyunda Ililonga has 729, UNIP’s Mutokela Mutokela 62 and ULP’s Kachala Musole 55.

In all the 17 polling stations which had their results announced, MMD and ADD candidates shared the first and second place while the rest trailed with a wider margin.


Vote-count underway as PF wins Chimwemwe ward
By Kabanda Chulu, Abigail Chaponda in Chifubu and Mwala Kalaluka in Luena
Patriotic Front (PF) has won the Chimwemwe ward election after its candidate Overtone Nyondo polled 691 against the MMD's Nicolas Nzunda who got 460.

Two other candidates, both independents, polled 146 and 20 respectively.

The Chimwemwe Ward election, however, recorded a low voter turnout with only less than 1,400 having voted out of the registered 4,320.

This ward election saw former president Frederick Chiluba heavily campaign for the MMD candidate.

And voting in today’s parliamentary by-elections has closed and counting of ballot papers has started in Ndola’s Chifubu and Mongu’s Luena constituencies.

Meanwhile an MMD cadre is currently being detained at Chifubu police station pending investigations after he was caught persuading old aged electorates to vote for the ruling MMD candidate Frank Ng’ambi.

Counting of ballot papers has finished at Chiparamba polling station in Chifubu with opposition Patriotic Front (PF) candidate Susan Kawandami getting 139 votes, ruling MMD’s Frank Ng’ambi 101, Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD)’s Brian Banda got 16 while UNIP candidate Poko Mambwe only managed 4 votes.

At Chikango poling station, PF got 166, MMD 109, ADD, 19 and UNIP again got 4 votes.

Earlier in the day, voting in the Chifubu parliamentary and Chimwemwe local government started at a slow note with very few people casting their ballots by midday.

At about 12:00 there were no long queues at selected polling stations dotted across Chifubu Constituency and election monitors attributed the low turnout to the holding of elections in an urban setting on a working day.

In an interview, Anti-Voter Apathy Project (AVAP) monitor Miyoba Hamusankwa said about one third of total registered voters had turned out to cast their votes.

“This is not a good figure considering the huge turn outs that characterised the public rally campaigns; maybe it is because it is a working day and this is an urban area,” said Hamusankwa.

The battle in the Chifubu by-elections seems to be between the PF and the MMD candidates although ADD and UNIP are also contesting the seat.

Meanwhile, Police in Ndola are holding an MMD supporter who has been identified as Norman Kandel of house number CH3268 in Chifubu for questioning after he was found giving some voters instructions to vote for MMD at the ‘council tents’ polling station.

The incident happened when poling assistants noticed Kandela talking to some electorates outside the poling station and allegedly persuaded them to vote in favour of MMD candidate Nga’mbi, contrary to the electoral code of conduct.

In Luena, the counting of ballot papers is also underway with results from two poling stations already announced.

In Limulunga East, ADD candidate, Charles Milupi got 368 votes, UPND’s Muyunda Ililonga got 137, MMD’s Mwangala Maopu got 101, United Liberal Party (ULP) Kachala Musole got 9 and UNIP’s Mutokela Mutokela got 5.

In Limulunga West where the Lozi traditional leader, the Litunga voted from, ADD got 383, MMD got 154, UPND got 146, UNIP recorded 6 votes while ULP only managed 4.

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