
Monday, August 09, 2010

Mpombo’s conviction is out of spite - Shakas

Mpombo’s conviction is out of spite - Shakas
By Patson Chilemba
Mon 09 Aug. 2010, 04:00 CAT

GEORGE Mpombo’s conviction has been done out of spite, Katuba MMD member of parliament Jonas Shakafuswa observed yesterday.

Commenting on the conviction of Kafulafuta MMD member of parliament Mpombo on one count of issuing a cheque on an insufficiently funded account, Shakafuswa warned that those who thought they were mighty would one day crawl to the ground, asking for forgiveness from the people.

He condemned the attitude of vengeance, which had led those in power to use state machinery to sort out their perceived enemies.

“People should know that power shouldn’t get to their head. The problem we are having is power is getting to people’s heads. Power doesn’t belong to them. It belongs to the people of Zambia,” Shakafuswa said.

“This Mpombo’s conviction has been done out of spite, and those perpetrating it should know that their time is coming. For George, let him be strong. Che Guevara fought for the emancipation of people of southern America. He never lived to see, to eat the rewards. So when you do the right things, the rewards are in heaven.”

Shakafuswa said state machinery did not belong to a small clique of people.
He warned that those in leadership should start re-assessing themselves because today they might be sitting behind the tables but tomorrow they would be on benches.

“Just because you don’t like this guy’s position and then you use state machinery. It doesn’t belong to a clique of little people, no. It belongs to all of us,” Shakafuswa said.

“But you see, people are talking. The Chifubu by-election, the Luena by-election shows that the people are talking, and if people leaders are taking people for granted, 2011 is around the corner.”

Shakafuswa said those who supported President Rupiah Banda thought he was finishing late president Levy Mwanawasa’s term and yet he was completing his own. He said Mpombo’s conviction did not in any way show that he was a criminal.

“He didn’t want to steal money. He is not like other people who have tried to steal money. Maybe it was just unfortunate that at the time when the cheque was due, he didn’t put money into the account. So to me, George is not a criminal and I will support him all the way,” said Shakafuswa.

Mpombo was last Friday convicted by chief resident magistrate Kelvin Limbani on one count of issuing a cheque on an insufficiently funded account.

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