
Monday, August 02, 2010

MUZ accuses ZCTU of failing affiliates

MUZ accuses ZCTU of failing affiliates
By Mwila Chansa in Kitwe
Mon 02 Aug. 2010, 04:00 CAT

MINEWORKERS Union of Zambia (MUZ) secretary general Oswell Munyenyembe has accused the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) leadership of failing to stand by its affiliates, asking them to resign.

In an interview in Kitwe, Munyenyembe said MUZ was concerned about the happenings in ZCTU, where leaders in the union mother body were concentrating more on politics than addressing workers’ plight. He said it was very embarrassing that ZCTU was now being referred to as a government 'vuvuzela'.

“As MUZ, we are getting concerned with the happenings in ZCTU. They are just concentrating on politics, asking the Pact to disband and so on and so forth but they are not there for the affiliates when they need them,” Munyenyembe said.

He said MUZ and other affiliates expected ZCTU to help them address critical issues such as outsourcing of labour at Konkola Copper Mines (KCM), delays in payment of teachers’ salaries and other labour-related issues.

“KCM has outsourced the concentrator at Nchanga to U & M, the schools like Konkola Trust School are already gone, if you look at Fitwaola Open Pit, they have outsourced, they have brought in a South African firm, meaning that employees who used to work at the open pit will now be contractors,” Munyenyembe said.

“At the hospitals, we know that they are bringing in Indian doctors to come and run them. Of course, at first they will pretend that they will keep the Zambians who work there but eventually, they will be frustrated and forced to leave while those that will remain will get very low salaries,” he said.

“These are the issues that we expect the congress to be addressing and dealing with; and not politics all the time. If they have failed, they should step down.”

Munyenyembe said unions did not need politicians but people that were interested in workers’ plight.

“I think it is high time MUZ led the congress,” said Munyenyembe.

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