
Friday, August 06, 2010

Pande justifies Rupiah’s frequent travels

Pande justifies Rupiah’s frequent travels
By Agness Changala
Fri 06 Aug. 2010, 04:00 CAT

FOREIGN affairs minister Kabinga Pande has justified President Rupiah Banda’s frequent trips abroad.

During a press briefing at the foreign affairs ministry headquarters in Lusaka, Pande said President Banda’s trips were an important way of sustaining and enhancing Zambia’s international relations. Pande said even if President Banda were not in office, any other leader would do the same.

When reminded that people were more concerned about the huge entourage that accompanied President Banda, Pande said the number was slowly being reduced.

However, he said the number of officials that accompany the President was dependant on the various issues to be discussed at the meeting.

Pande said the criticism President Banda received regarding his frequent trips did not affect his work and that he did what he thought was best for the Zambians.

He said President Banda received a lot of invitations and if he were to accept them all, he would be out of the country almost every day.

“That means that for every invitation that comes in, careful analysis and scrutiny is implored to ascertain the worthiness or benefits of such invitations to the Zambian people,” Pande said.

He said while he appreciated the concerns raised by Zambians regarding presidential trips abroad because it was their right to know, they needed to understand how foreign policy was implemented in order to contribute to Zambia’s sustainable development.

Pande said during these meetings, heads of state and government collectively made decisions for the benefit of their respective countries.

He said Zambia was part and parcel of the international community and the President spoke for all Zambians.

According to the structure of the meetings, Pande said, heads of state and government were the supreme organisation and only the president could make a final decision.

Pande explained that international meetings attended by the President facilitated the achievement of the objectives of Zambia’s foreign policy such as the promotion of trade, peace, investment, security as well as enhancing the country’s image.

He said topical issues were discussed at international meetings that were of interest to and affected Zambia and that attending such meetings gave the country an opportunity to voice its views on matters at hand.

According to Pande, international meetings attended by President Banda include African Union (AU), Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMMESA), Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, Commonwealth heads of state and government as well as the United Nations General Assembly.

Pande’s briefing follows a statement by Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD) on Tuesday in which they urged the government to examine its foreign policy as it related to presidential travels and engagements.

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