
Tuesday, August 03, 2010

PF cadres hold their former secretaries ‘hostage’

PF cadres hold their former secretaries ‘hostage’
By Speedwell Mupuchi in Kitwe
Tue 03 Aug. 2010, 04:01 CAT

SOME Patriotic Front (PF) cadres on Sunday afternoon surrounded Kitwe’s Radio Icengelo to waylay their former secretaries general Charles Chimumbwa, Edward Mumbi and Edwin Lifwekelo for speaking ill of Michael Sata.

The trio was featured on a sponsored programme and talked ill of the PF and how they left the opposition party.

They also attacked Sata and his leadership style.

While Chimumbwa, Mumbi and Lifwekelo were on radio, the PF cadres rushed to the radio station vowing to sort them out.

After the programme, around 16:40 hours, the trio was advised against driving out as the situation was not conducive for them to leave because the cadres were waiting for them.

After a few minutes of hesitation, the trio and another MMD member accompanying them, phoned works and supply minister Mike Mulongoti and Copperbelt police chief Antoneil Mutentwa to send officers to rescue them.

When the police delayed, Mumbi wondered how long they would take but Chimumbwa reminded him saying: “You have forgotten what we used to do! If there are PF officers remaining at the stations, they will delay”.

However, plain-clothes police officers from Riverside Police Station arrived after 40 – 50 minutes to escort them to safety.

Earlier, Mumbi told journalists that what they stated on radio was the truth and that if PF strongly felt the facts were twisted, the honourable thing was to approach the radio station to respond.

Mumbi accused Sata of having sent the cadres.

“This is Mr Sata’s orders, we know his behaviour. I was secretary general, I ran the party, I know how PF operates,” said Mumbi. “This is savagery. The memoirs he reads are Hitler memoirs; the man Sata is a savage.”

Copperbelt PF acting deputy secretary Elias Kamanga wondered whether Chimumbwa, Mumbi and Lifwekelo would henceforth be attending funerals and church services under police escort.

He warned that the trio would not have it easy wherever they were because of their alleged misdeeds.

“They are saying what they are saying because they are hungry… we know that Chimumbwa, Edward Mumbi and Lifwekelo are economically and politically finished, and they want to resuscitate themselves by attacking PF,” said Kamanga.

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