
Monday, August 23, 2010

RDA’s failure to release funds for roads disappoints Kitwe Mayor

RDA’s failure to release funds for roads disappoints Kitwe Mayor
By Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe
Mon 23 Aug. 2010, 04:00 CAT

Chipungu said the state of main roads in the city were in a deplorable state
KITWE Mayor Stephen Chipungu has expressed disappointment with the Road development Agency (RDA) for its failure to release money for the rehabilitation of key roads in the city.

During a press briefing in Kitwe on Friday, Chipungu said the state of main roads in the city were in a deplorable state and government through the RDA was not doing enough to address the problem.

He said the state of key roads such as Chibuluma and Mindolo roads which recently had been a subject of demonstrations from the members of the public particularly min bus drivers should be treated as a matter of urgency.

Chipungu further said while the council appreciates the genuine concerns of the residents over the state of the roads, they should not take the law in their own hands and taking actions without due regard to the laid down procedure.

“We wish to advise the public on the undesirability of taking the law in their own hands and taking actions without due regard to the laid down procedures,” he said.

“we wish to appeal to our residents to remain calm as we pursue the matter with the Ministry of Works and Supply through our parent ministry, the Ministry of Local Government and Housing.”

He said he had written letters to the relevant authorities so that they could expedite the process of releasing funds for the rehabilitation of the key roads in the city.

Chipungu said the appeal to relevant authorities to rehabilitate the roads was on grounds that the state of the roads came as a result of the central location of the city, as well as it being an entry point to all the other towns on the Copperbelt and beyond including the Democratic Republic of Congo (RDA).

He said the Ministry of Works and Supply must treat Kitwe as a special case and on priority basis.

“We are confident that if the three roads namely; Central street, Chibuluma and Mindolo roads, which are popularly known as the hell run roads were done, the face of the city and the public perception of our city will drastically change,” Chipungu.

He said it was distressing to note that nothing had been done on the roads despite the RDA advertising them for rehabilitation on two occasions.

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