
Monday, August 02, 2010

Sata has vast experience in governance – Scott

Sata has vast experience in governance – Scott
By Misheck Wangwe and Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Mon 02 Aug. 2010, 04:01 CAT

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) vice-president Dr Guy Scott has said he cannot compare himself with Micheal Sata even though he has two university degrees because Sata has vast experience in politics and governance.

And Dr Scott has said Sata is a credible leader who can lead Zambia to prosperity within a short period. Meanwhile, Dr Scott charged that the MMD was full of crooks that were ready to do anything to retain power next year.

Addressing a rally at Pamodzi market to drum up support for PF candidate in the Chifubu by-election Susan Kawandami, Dr Scott said the degree clause that was being pushed by the MMD and their supporters to be enshrined in the Constitution would never help the country to attain meaningful development as it was just meant to block genuine leaders from contesting the Presidency.

He further said the ongoing constitution-making process in the country had been made porous because the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) was serving the interests of the MMD, and not the wishes of the people.

Dr Scott said the NCC was full of MMD cadres, who had taken away critical clauses that Zambian people wanted such as the 50 per cent plus one threshold for one to be duly elected as President and many other clauses that could enhance democracy and development in the country.

He added that good leadership was beyond academic qualifications such as the degree clause that the MMD and its supporters were pushing for.

“The university degree clause that the MMD were agitating cannot help this country in any way. Good leadership is not about a university degree. I have two degrees myself from the university but I cannot compare myself to Sata looking at the vast political experience that he has. If I want I can start campaigning for myself as a muzungu (white man) and start giving you false reasons that I can govern the nation well because other four black presidents this country has had have failed, but leadership is not like that. It’s beyond colour, race or creed,” Dr Scott said.

He said the MMD government, under President Rupiah Banda, had run out of ideas on governing the country; hence they were making “silly” decisions such as the procurement of mobile hospitals on borrowed funds from China.

Dr Scott said the people of Chifubu should guard their votes against rigging by the MMD in the forthcoming by-elections because the ruling party had a record of “stealing people’s votes in elections”.

He said the MMD was full of crooks that were ready to do anything to retain power next year.

“If you want to end this poverty guard your votes from being stolen because if you don’t, they will use that as a weapon to destroy you. Let them not buy you over a bottle of kachasu (a strong illicit brew); you are not cheap, you are very important people. If the MMD brings money, sugar, clothing or any other material items, get them because they are good at dishing out taxpayers' money and actually that’s your money being abused but the only secret is that you should support and vote for the PF-UPND pact,” Dr Scott said.

He said the PF would make sure that Kawandami performs to the expectations of the people.

Dr Scott said Kawandami would join Parliament at a critical time when the House would be discussing critical issues that affect the people such as the Constitution, which he said the MMD wanted to impose on the people, and the budget.

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