
Sunday, August 01, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) To hell with the West: President Mugabe

COMMENT - The United States or Great Britain have no business whatsoever in telling the Zimbabwean people who should lead them. Why don't they just come out in the open and admit that there are economic sanctions against Zimbabwe, and that they want their diamonds? At least that would be honest. Zimbabwe's diamonds are for the benefit of the people of Zimbabwe, and no one else.

To hell with the West: President Mugabe
By: Sources
Posted: Sunday, August 1, 2010 3:15 pm

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe vowed to fight against colonial rule and Western dominance in Africa.

He told those Europeans and American who were opposed to his rule to go "to hell" , while addressing thousands gathered at the National Heroes' Acre for the funeral of his sister, Sabina, whom he described as one of his closest friends and allies in his lifelong fight against white rule in Zimbabwe.

“To hell with them. Whoever told them that they are above the people of Zimbabwe, that the decisions that should be made by the people of Zimbabwe are theirs to make ?”

"We say to hell, hell, hell with them. They will not decide who is going to lead the people of Zimbabwe."

The president castigated the West and said after his sister's death Thursday he will not abandon the cause.

He added that the west sought his ouster by imposing illegal sanctions on the country.

the president said a "European-American clique" imposed sanctions for their own reasons.

"Europe and America want to keep these odious sanctions. They are now saying Mugabe must go first, and they choose someone to lead the country," he said.

U.S. Ambassador Charles Ray left the funeral during President Mugabe's address in apparent protest. He refused to comment on his action when asked by the media.

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President Mugabe also attacked the west for trying to "steal" Zimbabwe's resources saying that Zimbabweans should stand united against such machinations.

“We should not allow colonial thieves to take our resources. The country is now in our hands and we should hold on unperturbed by unsolicited advice by those who abused us in the past,” President Mugabe said.

He also attacked "greedy elements" in government who wanted to use diamonds for personal gain.

He said the country's diamonds should benefit the entire country and urged greedy politicians to blunt their appetite for individual wealth.

"Diamonds should not be pocketed by some individuals,"

"They should help to improve the whole country. Those with an appetite for individual aggrandisement, please blunt your appetite. We will ensure there is collective benefit and not individual benefit.

"Leaders must be people-oriented. It's the demands of the people that must be looked at and not those of our pockets."

The diamond watchdog Kimberley Process last month approved the export of rough diamonds from Marange diamond fields in eastern Zimbabwe.

President Mugabe reiterated that Zimbabwe was projected to contribute around 25 percent of the global diamond output so "there are huge prospects for the diamond sub-sector to emerge as a major driver of the country's economic turnaround".

Mining is Zimbabwe's main foreign currency earner.


  1. Mere rhetoric will never save the Zimbabwean situation. True and sincere action is what is needed.

  2. What is needed is an end to economic sanctions, and restitution for the economic damage done by the sanctions instituted under the Bush Administration, supported by the present US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Vice President Joe Biden, as well as Russ Feingold, who has presently introduced another Zimbabwe sanctions bill, ZTDERA.
